• Gen-Z Parenting

    From 186283@ud0s4.net@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 1 01:23:35 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.elections

    One of those body-cam cop shows ... "On Patrol" I think.
    Indian River county Florida.

    Woman with 5-year-old child in car zooms at 90+ mph
    down road at night, misses car at intersection by a
    literal hair and then smashes straight into a drainage
    ditch past the intersection.

    Looking at Maps, I've actually BEEN on that road some
    time back ... it's west of a bridge that goes over
    the river. There are a few intersections - one near
    a large housing development. Betcha that's where.
    West of that it's cow/grove country, a pitch-dark
    2-lane with deep ditches and narrow bridges, until
    the sharp curve. Miss that curve at 90+ and it's
    death absolute.

    Post-report said she had a 0.214 blood alcohol level.
    Florida legal is 0.08 so she was just BLASTED. Gotta
    WORK to get that high of a count, chuggin' shots or

    The poor little kid in the wreckage was heard worrying
    if he'd have to get any shots at the hospital ...

    At this rate there won't BE a Gen-B2 ... Mommy and
    Daddy will kill 'em all .........

    Oh, Florida "Crackers" ... direct or cultural descendants
    of the original Spanish colonists that got into ranching
    cattle. Unique accent. The 'crack' refers to the little
    whips they'd carry to help steer the cattle herds. Good
    solid folks all in all and a lot smarter than they sound
    to the ear.

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