• Re: Press release: new Hain and Vico species

    From David Dalton@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 00:43:36 2024
    XPost: alt.journalism, alt.journalism.newspapers, alt.tv
    XPost: alt.tv.news-shows, alt.national.enquirer

    On Aug 7, 2024, David Dalton wrote
    (in article<0001HW.2C63587100CE4E9D70001033938F@news.eternal-september.org>):

    On Aug 7, 2024, David Dalton wrote
    (in article<0001HW.2C63545700CD589C70001033938F@news.eternal-september.org>):

    Supposedly there is evolution, including transformation of
    existing adults, going on, of H5N1, humans+57 aliens,
    cetaceans, non-human simians, cats, dogs, and non-simian

    The prefix g below means in my region, which is from
    12 km below the geoid to 250,000 km above the geoid.

    The ghumans+57 galiens have split into 60 species in ghuman
    species group globally, including my species, which I call
    Beothuk or ghuman1, which is multicultural, multinational,
    multiracial, multi-language, and multi-religion+atheism
    and which has an equivalent of 100 years in homo sapiens
    of 300 years, whereas the other 59 species get 200 years.
    There is a photosynthesizing ghuman species, a gilled
    ghuman species, and a Hain ghuman species and Vico
    ghuman species. Beothuk species includes the 57 former galiens.

    There will be no winged ghuman species (which I thought
    anorexics and very short people and perhaps some children
    might go into) but there will be one winged gmonkey species.

    Hain ghuman species is like the Hain species, of twosomes,
    in Ursula K. Le Guin’s The Left Hand of Darkness,
    though in this case spending five years as male,
    five years as female, and five months in each
    transition period. Vico ghuman species is of foursomes,
    and cycling from F-->H-->M-->H-->F, spending three
    years in each phase with four months in each
    transition period). From an old post by me:

    "The name Vico (which I replaced my earlier term Niah with) was
    chosen from an introduction by Anthony Burgess to a Minerva paperback
    copy of James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake. Anthony Burgess noted that
    James Joyce was heavily influenced by Italian natural philosopher Vico
    and his four-stage cycles.”

    However my old eyebrow matchmaking theory will not apply.

    Also the female/F, male/M, and H (hermaphrodite) above
    refers to the physical form, but in terms of my eight sexual
    harmonics the Hain will be two-spirit and the Vico
    will be four-spirit.

    And again there will be transformation of existing adults,
    not just the next generation.

    The 57 species other than Hain, Vico, and Beothuk no longer
    have any transgender or multi-spirit people. Beothuk still
    has some transgender, two-spirit, and four-spirit people
    who do not want to transition and have not begun to
    transition chemically and/or surgically. The rest of
    the two-spirit are in Hain, and the rest of the four-spirit
    are in Vico. Transgender who have been saying they
    are two-spirit are now two-spirit. Those who have been
    saying they are non-binary or intergendered are now
    four-spirit. Those who have been using the pronouns
    they or them are likely to now be two-spirit or four-spirit
    even if they were not before.
    Those who have exhibited physical hermaphroditism
    are now in Vico. Those with sex chromosomes other
    than XX or XY (so I think triple letter or maybe even
    quadruple letter) are now in Vico. And if someone
    is in Hain or Vico their (maybe just now) optimally
    sexually compatible partner or partners are as well.
    One-spirit transgender who want to transition or have
    begun to do so are now two-spirit in Hain or four-spirit
    in Vico. All that means there are sufficient numbers for
    a Hain species and a Vico species each about 8 billion/60
    in population.

    Here is the supposed timeline of the beginning of the evolution:

    August 6, 2024. To get UTC add 2.5 hours.

    [SMPES] 3:56 p.m. -->

    (s0) calculations done, matter movement begun 10:09 p.m.

    August 7, 2024

    (s1) H5N1 rendered benign by 12:20 a.m.

    (s2) mitochondrial DNA adjusted by 2:03 a.m.

    (s3) RNA adjusted by 2:46 a.m.

    (s4) nuclear DNA, sperm, ova adjusted by 3:52 a.m.

    (s5) some cells --> early stem cell state as of 4:41 a.m.

    [SMPESetup], which had many collaborators, is complete.

    Goddess, who I define as the ruler of the region all/everything,
    and who many call God, started the sudden magickal physical
    evolution (s.m.p.e.) at 4:42 a.m. NDT (0712 UTC) August 7, 2024.

    No, it was another Sisyphean dry run, and I apologize for
    the incorrect press release. However I am hoping that it
    has finally converged, and I am trying again starting at
    midnight (0230 UTC) August 8, as described on the thread
    “Lion’s Day Portal peak day onset” on alt.religion.druid ,
    though you can assume that I am proceeding as in the
    thread “Regatta Eve onset” on alt.religion.druid and watch
    for changes accordingly in the coming days.

    According to
    https://www.holidays-and-observances.com/august-8.html ,

    August 8, 2024 is

    International Cat Day (and I am hoping that cats will evolve)
    Happiness Happens Day
    The Date to Create
    Universal & International Infinity Day

    and according to the Pagan Newfoundland Facebook group
    and to google, it, 8/8, is also

    Lion’s Gate Portal peak day,

    which google says is particularly auspicious this year
    since the digits of 2024 add to a third 8, and also
    that it is a good time for manifestation.

    David Dalton dalton@nfld.com https://www.nfld.com/~dalton (home page) https://www.nfld.com/~dalton/dtales.html Salmon on the Thorns (mystic page) “And the cart is on a wheel; And the wheel is on a hill; And the
    hill is shifting sand; And inside these laws we stand" (Ferron)

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