• [OT] Woman posting about people pooping on the beach gets visit from th

    From Rhino@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 19:04:26 2024
    I mentioned the other day that there are allegations of people pooping
    right on the beach here in Ontario. This video shows the consequences
    for one woman who made a video for TikTok on this subject: a visit from
    the police:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6YsbehM07M [4 minutes]

    It's more than a little eerie to see the officer reassure her that he's
    NOT there to tell her what she can say while never quite saying why
    he's there. I don't see any other plausible explanation for what he did
    other than to intimidate her into not posting videos about
    beach-pooping for fear that his next visit will not be so friendly.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From BTR1701@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 23:16:35 2024
    On Aug 2, 2024 at 4:04:26 PM PDT, "Rhino" <no_offline_contact@example.com> wrote:

    I mentioned the other day that there are allegations of people pooping
    right on the beach here in Ontario. This video shows the consequences
    for one woman who made a video for TikTok on this subject: a visit from
    the police:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d6YsbehM07M [4 minutes]

    It's more than a little eerie to see the officer reassure her that he's
    NOT there to tell her what she can say while never quite saying why
    he's there. I don't see any other plausible explanation for what he did
    other than to intimidate her into not posting videos about
    beach-pooping for fear that his next visit will not be so friendly.

    "How about you only talk about tents on the beach and not mention a specific race?"

    "How about I talk about whatever the fuck I want and not have the police
    trying to tell me what I can and can't say?


    I wish some cops would show up to my door over something like this. That'd be
    a fun conversation to have (and a possibly lucrative bonus to my retirement portfolio).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)