• Business Idea Seeking Investors: Pirate Tourism

    From BTR1701@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 27 02:56:07 2024
    Proposal: Customers rent luxury yachts which are heavily (but stealthily)
    armed for a weekend of sailing up and down the coast of Somalia with the goal of attracting the infamous Somali pirates to attack what they see as an unsuspecting boat full of rich people to steal from and kill.

    Once the pirates attack, customers are then free to defend themselves and
    enjoy a day of lighting up a bunch of human garage with everything from full-auto .50-cals, to rocket launchers, to 2000-round-per-minute mini-guns.

    The closest thing to a real-life Purge you can get!

    (Note: after a time, this business model may have the side effect of eradicating the African piracy industry altogether as the current pirates will become physically extinct and new pirates will be greatly deterred from replacing them, so this may be a business where all profit must be made
    quickly at the outset.)

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