• =?UTF-8?B?UkU6IFJFOiBSZTogQ29sbmFnbyBEcmVhbSBIUA==?=

    From =?UTF-8?B?VG9tIEt1bmljaA==?=@21:1/5 to All on Sun Aug 4 03:16:52 2024
    On Sat Aug 3 14:59:38 2024 Tom Kunich wrote:
    On Sat Aug 3 06:54:48 2024 zen cycle wrote:
    On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 20:44:32 GMT, Tom Kunich <cyclintom@yahoo.com>

    On Fri Aug 2 14:54:39 2024 Zen Cycle wrote:

    We've already established tom's injuries weren't from a cycling
    accident, but a drunk driving accident (tommy was the drunk driver)

    Add xx to reply

    Tell you what Flunky,call Dr,Hovsepian at the Palo Alto Medical Foundation and tell him that I got my injuries from drunk driving.

    ok, give me his contact info.

    Better yet, you can contact the Freemont Freewheelers with whom I was riding when the injury occurred and tell them I received my injuries from drunk driving.

    OK, give me their contact info

    Your psuedonyms do NOT protect you from a legal warrant and I can afford some really good lawyers that can remove your income from you for the rest of your life.

    Go ahead. (we know you can't, despite all your bluster about being
    wealthy you admitted in theis very forum you were broke and living on SS:


    cycl...@yahoo.com Aug 9, 2013, 11:11:36?AM
    "And now on Social Security I have to VERY slowly make it up.")
    >> Only some piece of shit like you prefers lies to the truthand I am willing to prove it in open court and then call your employers and tell them you play on newsgroups all day while they are paying you to work.

    Go ahead.
    1) as we've already established, you don't have the technical acumen
    to find out who I am, despite repeated clues and hints that any
    10-year-old with a smartphone could decipher.
    2) Given that my employer lets me stream live bicycle racing in my
    office and all my projects are within predicted schedules, do you really think they would give a rats ass about posting a few usenet messages
    during working hours? Gawd you're dumb.

    >> If you want to call my bluff go right ahead. I welcome it.

    OK, I'm calling your bluff. CAll a lawyer, have them contact me through
    the available information in this forum.

    The first thing the lawyer is going to ask is: "are the claims that you were arrested for drunk driving, skipped out on the hearing, and then arrested again for failure to appear true?"

    And the answer to that would "yes"



    To which the attorney would reply "sorry, we can't sue anyone for
    posting publicly available information" followed by "our recommendation
    is that you simply stop posting to the forum"

    Something you repeatedly promised to do but (shocker) lied about.

    As much as you and your Master trump claim to be able to sue people for telling the truth, you can't.

    BTW, posting threats of physical violence over the internet is a felony. You might want to consider that before you contact a lawyer.

    "If the threat is directed at a specific person, with a specific threat
    of harm, from an easily identifiable source, and appears credible, it is likely the threat will be considered illegal."

    If you want to call my bluff go right ahead. I welcome it, dumbass.

    Now that shows your poor use of your native language. Why should I use saviungs to buy things that I can buy using my income?

    And then after complaining that I cannot thread my way through vague hints about your actual identity you want ME to give you contact information for the website of the Fremont Freewheelers.

    Your low IQ is showing yet again and I want you to make that claim again that my injury did not come from a bicycke related accident but from drunk driving!

    On todays 25 miler Al showed up after months of not riding ecause he fell on his stairs and caused a minor brack in his tibia, At the coffee shop I was mentioning that they put me on a new medication that cost $1,200 for 50 days vs the old medication
    that cost $230 for 90 days. Then he mentioned that he was on the group ride I was on when my fork fell off and I received my injury. Al Rendon wt6k@comcast.net

    So there are still two people eiding that wutbessed my injury anxs would testify in court, So if that piece of human garbage, Flunky, wants to lie about it he will discover the cost,

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