• MEDIA: Kamala Harris's Election Strategy Ignores Border Chaos, Mass Mig

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 3 11:41:05 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes
    advised Casey DeSantis to make it Ron's top priority securing the
    permission of David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to seize Lachlan
    Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign bullhorn to make Donald Trump regret
    dispatching Jared and Ivanka Kushner to Silicon Valley to sue for
    peace with the likes of Mark Zuckerberg: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/07/25/kamala-harriss-election-strategy-ignores-border-chaos-mass-migration/>
    | Yet Harris largely avoided the issue that has crippled Biden's
    | popularity, partly because her backers in California favor the
    | continued inflow of foreign consumers, renters, and workers.
    | Much of this California activism flows through Mark Zuckerberg's
    | lobby for wealthy consumer-economy investors, FWD.us. The DC-based
    | president of the lobby is Todd Schulte:
    || He was saying this 2 weeks ago, and last week, and now. What he is
    || promising is a far-right, authoritarian effort to arrest and deport
    || 12 million people plus 5 million US citizens--and reshape every
    || community in the country while doing so. Congrats to the new tone
    || pundits though.
    || https://x.com/TheToddSchulte/status/1816253334447439998
    | In contrast, migration reform is the centerpiece of the campaign by
    | President Donald Trump and vice-presidential nominee Sen. JD Vance
    | (R-OH).

    Does Susie Wiles recommend that Trump enlist Narendra Modi as his MAGA
    campaign surrogate for the National Question?

    "The reason they're doing this, by the way, is that Democrats
    successfully framed Dan Kelly as a Trump crony who went along with
    his claims about the 2020 election. The real kiss of death is being
    associated with Trump. https://t.co/DtmyXc4SqA" - Pedro Gonzalez <URL:https://x.com/emeriticus/status/1643607013165785089>

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