• MEDIA: Post-Debate Poll Reflects Voters' Fears of Migrant Crime, Terror

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 16 10:42:11 2024
    Morris Dees and $PLC certified deplorable, Andrew Arthur on whether
    Susie Wiles sees any signs in her (or Bill Stepien before her (or Brad
    Parscale before him)) internal focus groups that Donald Trump should
    link mass immigration to inflation: <URL:https://cis.org/Arthur/PostDebate-Poll-Reflects-Voters-Fears-Migrant-Crime-Terrorism>
    | Immigration Surges As a Top Issue. Respondents were next given a
    | list of 29 separate subjects and asked: "What would you say are the
    | most important issues facing the country today?"
    | Some 37 percent said it was "inflation", putting it in first place,
    | which is not much of a surprise. What is a surprise is that
    | immigration has again surged to the penultimate spot, with 35
    | percent of respondents identifying it as the most important issue.
    | That is a three-point gain for immigration in just a month, but not
    | all voters are equally concerned about it. Just 20 percent of
    | Democrats identified it as a top issue, compared to 35 percent of
    | Independents and more than half -- 51 percent -- of Republicans.

    Did NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advise Casey
    DeSantis to make Ron's top priority securing the permission of David
    McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons onto
    Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign stage to warn legacy American
    proles in Iowa and New Hampshire that Trump will sign the permanent
    bipartisan fusion party's comprehensive immigration reform legislation
    passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and John Thune so long as the
    Cheap Labor Lobby authors include the magic words: merit-based?
    "Even until his last day in office, the deep state was able to keep
    Trump from pardoning @Snowden, #FreeJulianAssange, @RealRossU, and
    the January 6th protesters." - Thomas Massie <URL:https://x.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1647410547812442113>

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