• MEDIA: Japan Has Too Few Young Strong Workers. Solution: Not Immigratio

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 20 13:10:36 2024
    VDare's John Derbyshire on whether Susie Wiles has asked legacy
    American proles who might be convinced to cast ballots for Donald
    Trump whether they prefer increasing .US' Gross Domestic Product via
    importing the 8+B globe's top two quintiles or improved productivity
    with automation: <URL:https://vdare.com/posts/japan-has-too-few-young-strong-workers-solution-not-immigration-giant-robots>
    | An item from Japan, reported in the London Guardian, which relates
    | World Population Day. As you likely know, Japan has a quite severe
    | population problem--of the Boomster, not the Doomster variety. That
    | is to say that the problem is not too many people but too few.
    | In particular, Japan has too few of the young, healthy, rugged kind
    | of workers you need for big infrastructure projects, construction,
    | and maintenance. Solution: robots.

    Did NeverBackDown.ORG's Steve Cortes and Ken Cuccinelli advise Casey
    DeSantis to make Ron's highest priority to obtain the go-ahead from
    David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to seize Trump's right flank on the
    National Question by campaigning for an immigration moratorium?
    "Wisconsin is choose your own narrative - Trump in 2016 won
    Wisconsin while Paul Ryan, McCain failed. (1984 was last time
    Republican POTUS won.) - Trump only lost in 2020 by 20K. (Similar
    margin he won 2016.) - Daniel Kelli lost massively in 2020, last
    night was sequel." - Mike Cernovich <URL:https://x.com/Cernovich/status/1643731066858147841>

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