• Biden Mexican Gets Time Served in Jail for Threatening Orange County Bo

    From Refried beaner@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 19 08:23:07 2024
    XPost: alt.politics.republicans, oc.general, sac.politics
    XPost: talk.politics.guns

    A 43-year-old man was sentenced Thursday to 240 days in jail, or time
    served behind bars, for threatening Orange County Board of Supervisors
    Chairman Don Wagner, for whom he had worked.

    Jose Saul Martinez pleaded guilty June 18 to single felony counts each of criminal threats and threatening public officials.

    Martinez said in his plea deal form that he threatened Wagner ôwhen I
    posted on his social media account that I was threatening him and if I saw
    him I was going to shoot him and that I wanted someone to kill himà I had
    the apparent ability to carry out the threats when I made them.ö

    Martinez threatened Wagner March 23.

    Martinez was ordered to participate in a drug and alcohol program and was placed on three years of formal probation.

    https://mynewsla.com/crime/2024/07/18/man-gets-time-served-in-jail-for- threatening-orange-county-board-chairman/

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