• MEDIA: 'Documented Dreamers' Are Getting Deported Because They Came to

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Jul 18 11:05:14 2024
    Reason's Billy Binion on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Steve Cortes and
    Ken Cuccinelli urged Casey DeSantis to make it a top priority for Ron
    to secure her path to WhiteHouse.GOV by securing the permission of
    David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons
    onto Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM to warn legacy American proles in
    Iowa and New Hampshire that Donald Trump will sign the permanent
    bipartisan fusion party's bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson and John Thune so long
    as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors include the magic words, merit-based: <URL:https://reason.com/2024/07/08/he-immigrated-to-the-u-s-as-a-child-he-was-just-kicked-out-because-he-came-here-legally/>
    | In 2022, it looked like change was nigh. A version of that bill
    | passed the House as an amendment in the National Defense
    | Authorization Act (NDAA). And then it was laid to rest in the
    | Senate's legislative graveyard after Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa)
    | rebuffed the proposal. So the change, despite being widely
    | uncontroversial and not rupturing along predictable partisan fault
    | lines, remains paralyzed for now. "Comprehensive immigration reform
    | has become the enemy of incremental reform," adds Paul.

    Among 2028 aspirants for WhiteHouse.GOV, who does Susie Wiles see
    emerging to block Trump from Stapling Green Cards to Big .EDU's
    "Given Alex Jones and Infowars' embattled position , it is important
    to revisit some little appreciated and damning facts from a classic
    Revolver News piece on Jones The attacks on Jones ultimately have
    nothing to do with Sandy Hook, and everything to do with Jones'
    Trump" - Darren Beattie <URL:https://twitter.com/DarrenJBeattie/status/1801713446746001430>

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