• MEDIA: Lou Dobbs Leaves Legacy of Defending America's Working Class Aga

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 27 10:29:33 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see John Binder
    on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Steve Cortes and Ken Cuccinelli advised
    Casey and Ron DeSantis seize Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign
    megaphone to call out Donald Trump for failing to award Pat Buchanan
    the Presidential Medal of Freedom: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/18/lou-dobbs-leaves-legacy-defending-americas-working-class-against-wall-street-open-borders-donor-class/>
    | Just six years ago, Dobbs appeared on Tucker Carlson Tonight to
    | explain the intended goal of mass immigration to the U.S.
    | "When it comes to illegal immigrants, they are a 'preferred' group.
    | And it is so because of the establishment, the Business Roundtable,
    | the Chamber of Commerce, U.S. multinationals, they want cheaper
    | labor, they want open borders, they want to 'harmonize' those
    | borders," Dobbs said.
    | "Under George Bush and most of the Obama administration, the 'North
    | American Union' that is bringing Canada and Mexico together with the
    | United States together was the goal ... the reality is, Americans
    | understand what's happening ... Americans know when they're being
    | lied to," Dobbs explained.
    | Tucker responded, saying, "You've been saying this for 20 years and
    | I remember vividly when we worked at another network and you said
    | things like that and people laughed at you and you were completely
    | right."

    Will USchamber.COM's Suzanne Clark and AFLCIO.ORG's Liz Shuler unite
    again to block Trump from WhiteHouse.GOV?
    "But the most sickening revelations of Ashli are those demonstrating
    the depths to which the deep state and the left will sink to win
    elections. Not only was the 2020 election probably stolen--Cashill
    and others offer plenty of evidence of that grand theft--the thieves
    then had the gall to declare it the most secure election in our
    history. About the Jan. 6 protest in particular, these same people
    have repeatedly lied and smeared Trump supporters--as white
    supremacists, naturally." - Jeff Minick <URL:https://chroniclesmagazine.org/web/ashli-babbits-warning-for-

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