• switch users and still use display

    From fxkl47BF@protonmail.com@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 27 17:50:01 2024
    i log in to x session as user1 on host1
    from within a xterm i want to change to user2 on host1 and run x programs
    the current way i do this is ssh user2@host1
    does using ssh on the same host use encryption
    is there another way to do this
    i feel like this has been hashed over here previously
    i just can't find the answer

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Greg Wooledge@21:1/5 to fxkl47BF@protonmail.com on Sat Jul 27 18:10:01 2024
    On Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 15:44:51 +0000, fxkl47BF@protonmail.com wrote:
    i log in to x session as user1 on host1
    from within a xterm i want to change to user2 on host1 and run x programs
    the current way i do this is ssh user2@host1

    I'm assuming you mean "ssh -X", or that you've configured the ssh command
    to use this option automatically. This is a perfectly good way to do it.

    does using ssh on the same host use encryption


    is there another way to do this

    Yes, but the other ways are *far* more complicated, especially when
    neither user1 nor user2 is root. The issue is that in order to
    authenticate yourself to the X server, you present a token, known as
    a "magic cookie". Your magic cookie is stored in a file in your home directory, which by default only you can read. All of the programs
    that you run as yourself can read this file and therefore present
    the magic cookie on demand.

    If user2 is root, you can set an environment variable so that root reads
    your magic cookie file, because root can (typically) read every file on
    the system.

    However, when user2 is *not* root, it has no way to read your magic
    cookie. So you need to arrange for some means of conveying this token
    to the second user account. None of them are simple.

    You're really better off just continuing to use ssh -X user2@localhost.
    It does exactly what you want.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richmond@21:1/5 to fxkl47BF@protonmail.com on Sat Jul 27 18:40:01 2024
    fxkl47BF@protonmail.com writes:

    i log in to x session as user1 on host1
    from within a xterm i want to change to user2 on host1 and run x programs
    the current way i do this is ssh user2@host1
    does using ssh on the same host use encryption
    is there another way to do this
    i feel like this has been hashed over here previously
    i just can't find the answer

    You can do it using su, after you have made the following changes:

    diff /etc/pam.d/su-l~ /etc/pam.d/su-l
    session optional pam_xauth.so

    I.e. add that session line to the end of the file.

    Some people might claim that this is insecure. I don't think it is in a
    single user environment.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Greg Wooledge@21:1/5 to fxkl47BF@protonmail.com on Sat Jul 27 18:50:01 2024
    On Sat, Jul 27, 2024 at 16:43:50 +0000, fxkl47BF@protonmail.com wrote:
    simple is better

    does ssh destinguish between "ssh host1" and "ssh localhost"

    Depends on how everything is configured. It can.

    If you prefer 'ssh -X user2@host1' and if that works for you, then you
    can use that.

    You're over-thinking this, I suspect.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From eben@gmx.us@21:1/5 to fxkl47BF@protonmail.com on Sat Jul 27 19:20:01 2024
    On 7/27/24 12:43, fxkl47BF@protonmail.com wrote:
    does ssh destinguish between "ssh host1" and "ssh localhost"

    Probably the interface it uses. host1 -> eth0 and localhost -> lo. Unless you've done something funny with hostnames or routing.

    Anyhow that's my guess, and if not, someone will be along in a minute to educate us both.

    Nahh, that impending sound of doom is just the blades on my leatherman locking.

    -- Majdi on ASR

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
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  • From Hans@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 27 23:30:02 2024
    Some window managers are offering an option, to change the user (plasma = KDE does it, for example.). It is also possible, to start a new X-session and
    login with another user. Doing so, you have 2 X-session open.

    The option is also, to change the user, or, add another user with a new session.

    Sometimes, I need to start an application as root in X (for example, if I want to edit a configuration file, only rott is allowed to edit) ands I want to use a graphical writer, like kwrite (just an example).

    Instead of logging out and relogon into the window manager as root, I am starting a shell., and enter "su -p" (this meany, preserve my environment). Thus I can start any graphical application from the shell (starting kwrite
    with the command) and it will start with root permissions.

    In earlier times, there was "sux" a wrapper for su, but this is no more available.

    I never found an official documentation about "su -p", just found it myself, but I read, "su -" shall do the same. It does not.

    Maybe your question aimed to this scenario, if so, there is my solution.

    Have fun!



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From David Wright@21:1/5 to Hans on Sun Jul 28 00:50:01 2024
    On Sat 27 Jul 2024 at 23:21:06 (+0200), Hans wrote:
    I never found an official documentation about "su -p", just found it myself, but I read, "su -" shall do the same. It does not.

    When you write something like this, can you accompany it with a
    reference? The essential package util-linux's man page seems to
    contradict whatever it was you found and read:

    -, -l, --login
    Start the shell as a login shell with an environment
    similar to a real login:

    [ … four bullet points … ]

    -m, -p, --preserve-environment
    Preserve the entire environment, i.e., do not set HOME,
    SHELL, USER or LOGNAME. This option is ignored if the
    option --login is specified.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Florent Rougon@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 11:40:01 2024

    Le 27/07/2024, David Wright <de
    blis@lionunicorn.co.uk> a écrit:

    I never found an official documentation about "su -p", just found it myself,
    but I read, "su -" shall do the same. It does not.

    When you write something like this, can you accompany it with a
    reference? The essential package util-linux's man page seems to
    contradict whatever it was you found and read:

    AFAIUI, Hans essentially meant that 'su -p' allows him to start
    graphical programs as root inside an X session running as another user,
    and that 'su -' doesn't “do the same” (i.e., it doesn't allow starting graphical programs as root inside an X session running as another user).
    Which I am inclined to believe, although I'm reluctant to try 'su -p'
    for fear of creating a mess in my normal user setup:

    ~ % su -p
    zsh compinit: insecure directories and files, run compaudit for list.
    Ignore insecure directories and files and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? ^C



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Richmond@21:1/5 to fxkl47BF@protonmail.com on Fri Aug 2 12:20:02 2024
    fxkl47BF@protonmail.com wrote:
    i log in to x session as user1 on host1
    from within a xterm i want to change to user2 on host1 and run x programs
    the current way i do this is ssh user2@host1
    does using ssh on the same host use encryption
    is there another way to do this
    i feel like this has been hashed over here previously
    i just can't find the answer

    You can use:

    su - user

    then run your X program, provided you change:


    and add

    session         optional        pam_xauth.so

    Some people might say that this is insecure. I don't think it is in a
    single user environment.

    (I posted this before but I am not sure it got through).

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Florent Rougon@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 14:10:01 2024

    Le 02/08/2024, Greg Wooledge <greg@wooledge.org> a écrit:

    I don't use zsh, so I don't quite understand what "compinit" means.

    It is a Zsh function that initializes completion for the current
    session. From zshall(1):

    Use of compinit


    To initialize the system, the function compinit (...) should be
    autoloaded (...), and then run simply as `compinit'. This will define
    a few utility functions, arrange for all the necessary shell functions
    to be autoloaded, and will then re-define all widgets that do
    completion to use the new system.

    But, just looking at the su(1) man page:

    -m, -p, --preserve-environment
    Preserve the entire environment, i.e., do not set HOME, SHELL, USER
    or LOGNAME. This option is ignored if the option --login is

    The main issue here is likely to be the HOME variable. If you're running
    a shell as root, but with HOME=/home/florent or whatever, then some of
    the programs you start may create new dot files inside /home/florent/.
    These files will be owned by root (because the programs are running as
    root). Then, at some point in the future, if you run those same programs
    as florent, you won't be able to change the contents of the dot files.
    (You would, however, be able to remove them.) (...)

    Exactly. I was willing to quickly try 'su -p' for the sake of this
    thread, but not for more than that.

    [ In the past, I used to just 'su' in order to work as root. This worked
    fine for a long time, until I had some problems that boiled down to an
    administrative task (namely, upgrading an emacs package using apt)
    messing with the home directory of the user invoking 'su'—maybe
    because of LOGNAME which, after a simple 'su', contains the normal
    username, not “root”. Since then, I use 'su -' and the problem didn't
    occur anymore (this doesn't allow one to start graphical apps without
    already mentioned contortions; for this case, there is 'ssh -X'). ]

    Thanks for your other (snipped) comments.



    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Greg Wooledge@21:1/5 to Florent Rougon on Fri Aug 2 13:30:01 2024
    On Fri, Aug 02, 2024 at 11:35:58 +0200, Florent Rougon wrote:
    Which I am inclined to believe, although I'm reluctant to try 'su -p'
    for fear of creating a mess in my normal user setup:

    ~ % su -p
    zsh compinit: insecure directories and files, run compaudit for list.
    Ignore insecure directories and files and continue [y] or abort compinit [n]? ^C

    I don't use zsh, so I don't quite understand what "compinit" means.
    But, just looking at the su(1) man page:

    -m, -p, --preserve-environment
    Preserve the entire environment, i.e., do not set HOME, SHELL, USER
    or LOGNAME. This option is ignored if the option --login is

    The main issue here is likely to be the HOME variable. If you're running
    a shell as root, but with HOME=/home/florent or whatever, then some of
    the programs you start may create new dot files inside /home/florent/.
    These files will be owned by root (because the programs are running as
    root). Then, at some point in the future, if you run those same programs
    as florent, you won't be able to change the contents of the dot files.
    (You would, however, be able to remove them.)

    That's not a security hole or anything like that, but it might cause some surprises.

    A secondary issue might be the mismatch between the effective UID (0)
    of the programs you run, and the LOGNAME/USER variables (florent). Some programs may act upon one, and some may act upon the other. Some may
    even create a strange mixture of both. I don't have any specific examples
    of this.

    Realistically, what one *wants* from su is for it to override the HOME,
    PATH, USER and LOGNAME variables. The version of su in Debian prior to
    buster used to do that, and everything was peachy. The version of su in
    buster and beyond no longer sets PATH by default. However, you can fix
    that! All you have to do is create a one-line configuration file:

    hobbit:~$ cat /etc/default/su

    Then the buster+ version of su will behave sensibly, changing the PATH
    variable to a standard one which includes /usr/sbin and so on when you
    become root.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Florent Rougon@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 17:50:01 2024

    Le 02/08/2024, Jeffrey Walton <noloader@gmail.com> a écrit:

    emacs is notorious for that. In fact, if you install a new system, and
    `sudo emacs <some config file>`, then emacs will create its own config directory (.emacs/) in your home directory owned by root. I quickly

    FTR, the Emacs user configuration directory is ~/.emacs.d (note the “.d” suffix). ~/.emacs is the traditional user configuration file (other
    files that have the same role are ~/.emacs.el, ~/.emacs.d/init.el and ~/.config/emacs/init.el):




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