• Re: Needed tool for vision-impaired - was [Re: PDF Editor for Debian]

    From Richard Owlett@21:1/5 to Nicolas George on Thu Aug 8 14:20:02 2024
    On 06/24/2024 12:29 PM, Nicolas George wrote:
    Karen Lewellen (12024-06-24):
    Good afternoon.
    I am providing another option that might help here.

    Provides services, free of charge, that will convert pdf files to a number >> of different formats, including .html
    They provide audio, mobi, and convert epub files too..but I digress.
    As a test, consider sending your file to
    convert at robobraille.org
    correctly of course.
    in the subjectline put html
    leaving the body blank, and attach the file.
    See if the .html file returned meets your needs.


    Do you know how they fare with math? I mean real, non-trivial formulas produced by LaTeX like you would find in
    https://arxiv.org/abs/1803.05929 ?

    (I know, I could test. I will if you do not know the answer.)


    While looking for something else I found https://www.robobraille.org/resources/software-and-tools/#math

    Relevant &/or useful?

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