• Re: STALKER 2 nears...

    From Justisaur@21:1/5 to JAB on Sat Jul 27 08:42:05 2024
    On 7/27/2024 1:44 AM, JAB wrote:
    On 26/07/2024 18:19, Justisaur wrote:
    It's was certainly somewhat unpolished, to say the least, although
    the compliant about the AI kinda passed by my at the time as I
    wasn't, and still aren't, really into following games news. If I had
    to pick one thing that was the most negative it would be the
    'aggressive' re-spawns. I still have nightmares over the rail yard
    acting as a transition point between areas. Did no one think is it
    really a good idea to make the player fight a hard battle every
    single time.

    I don't remember anything about the AI either.  I liked the rail yard.
    I thought it was genius so you really had to think about if you wanted
    to go back or not.  (All assuming I'm remembering correctly, it's been

    The rail yard is one that just stuck in my mind. The first time through
    I very much enjoyed it but after that it just felt like the game was punishing you for no good reason. Generally I'm not a fan of enemy
    respawns as they quickly become a chore to me. Far Cry 2 and Borderlands
    2 come to mind.

    Ah yes, enemy re-spawns. I'm not really fond of those either. I turned
    those way down in FO3 originally because I hated having to clear out the
    same area every 3rd time I left because I had too much stuff and came
    back to collect more, or had to rest or whatever.

    It sort of works in Souls because you only respawn if you die or choose
    to rest. Horrible in DS2 though with boss runs - though even then they eventually stop respawning after 15 kills.


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  • From JAB@21:1/5 to Justisaur on Sat Jul 27 09:44:21 2024
    On 26/07/2024 18:19, Justisaur wrote:
    It's was certainly somewhat unpolished, to say the least, although the
    compliant about the AI kinda passed by my at the time as I wasn't, and
    still aren't, really into following games news. If I had to pick one
    thing that was the most negative it would be the 'aggressive'
    re-spawns. I still have nightmares over the rail yard acting as a
    transition point between areas. Did no one think is it really a good
    idea to make the player fight a hard battle every single time.

    I don't remember anything about the AI either.  I liked the rail yard. I thought it was genius so you really had to think about if you wanted to
    go back or not.  (All assuming I'm remembering correctly, it's been

    The rail yard is one that just stuck in my mind. The first time through
    I very much enjoyed it but after that it just felt like the game was
    punishing you for no good reason. Generally I'm not a fan of enemy
    respawns as they quickly become a chore to me. Far Cry 2 and Borderlands
    2 come to mind.

    Overall though, I very much enjoyed it with the combat being more than
    just run in guns blazing and how it captured a feeling of exploring a
    desolate, almost alien, wasteland with an RPG like feel to the whole

    So I'll definitely take a look at 2 but a lot of that will be
    dependent on reviews and also a bit of a dabble with let's play videos
    just to try and confirm it's a game for me. Alternatively, I may just
    buy it and rely on Steams two hour rule!

    I probably won't buy it.  I was never really into FPSs (though I liked
    it better than most) and what I heard about the following games/dlcs/remasters or whatever they were never struck me as anything warrenting a play enough to a actually do so, though I thought I would
    at some point it's been a long time and I think the time has passed.

    If somehow it turns out to be an amazing highly rated game I may try it.

    I'll certainly take a look at it as I very much enjoyed the original.
    Whether the game is still to my tastes I'm not sure. FPSes where one of
    my favourite genres but I can't think of the last one I bought. Part of
    that I think is because they seemed to have moved towards open world,
    grind infested, MTX laden games - can't I just shoot some things! I did
    have a quick shimmy through my Steam library and I think the last one I
    bought was either Crysis Warhead or Prey both quite a few years ago.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)