• A pixel 6 with graphene OS - how to enable Text-to-speech ?

    From R.Wieser@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 13:20:55 2024
    Hello all,

    I've got a pixel 6 with the Graphene OS on it, and would like to be able to
    use the text-to-speech feature. When I try to use it (from within my ebook reader) it shows "waiting for TTS", "failed TTS" and than retries a couple
    of times before throwing the towel.

    I have no idea if its just a question of enabeling such a TTS component, or
    if I need to download-and-install one.

    I the former case, where should I be looking for the settings ? (found a few suggestions, but didn't find any TTS component related entries)

    In the latter case, suggestions to (a good) one would be appreciated. The fewer permissions needed the better (requiring permissions like "internet" means instant rejection).

    Rudy Wieser

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  • From Theo@21:1/5 to R.Wieser on Sun Jul 28 13:10:22 2024
    R.Wieser <address@is.invalid> wrote:
    Hello all,

    I've got a pixel 6 with the Graphene OS on it, and would like to be able to use the text-to-speech feature. When I try to use it (from within my ebook reader) it shows "waiting for TTS", "failed TTS" and than retries a couple
    of times before throwing the towel.

    I have no idea if its just a question of enabeling such a TTS component, or if I need to download-and-install one.

    I the former case, where should I be looking for the settings ? (found a few suggestions, but didn't find any TTS component related entries)

    In the latter case, suggestions to (a good) one would be appreciated. The fewer permissions needed the better (requiring permissions like "internet" means instant rejection).

    You need to install a TTS engine:
    recommends eSpeak NG or RHVoice. They're available from the Play Store or F-Droid.


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  • From Harry S Robins@21:1/5 to Theo on Sun Jul 28 07:34:54 2024
    On 28 Jul 2024 13:10:22 +0100 (BST), Theo wrote:

    You need to install a TTS engine:
    recommends eSpeak NG or RHVoice. They're available from the Play Store or F-Droid.

    I don't know what a TTS engine is, so Rudy may wish to defer to Theo.

    All I know is when I wanted Android e-readers to read to me, I installed
    epub apps that said in the description that they had TTS inside of them.

    CoolReader, with Text to Speech (TTS) support. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.coolreader http://sourceforge.net/projects/crengine/

    Book Reader with TTS support https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.axet.bookreader/

    I also used this TTS engine to dictate anything. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.iboism.dictate

    I'll try RHVoice and if Rudy tries it, that will be two of us. https://rhvoice.org/ and https://rhvoice.com/android_support https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.github.olga_yakovleva.rhvoice.android/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.github.olga_yakovleva.rhvoice.android

    Likewise with espeak
    http://reecedunn.co.uk/espeak-for-android https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.reecedunn.espeak/ https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.reecedunn.espeak (failed)

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  • From R.Wieser@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 15:14:08 2024

    You need to install a TTS engine:
    recommends eSpeak NG or RHVoice. They're available from the Play Store
    or F-Droid.

    As luck will have it I somehow entered the right keywords into the websearch and found that webpage too.

    Alas, I downloaded and tried both, but neither wished to work. Why ? I do
    not have the foggiest. :-(

    I also found this webpage : https://github.com/GrapheneOS/os-issue-tracker/issues/377 , but even explicitily selecting the (single) TTS engine didn't allow my eBook reader
    to connect to the TTS component - nor did the eSpeak NG's internal "say what you write her out loud" test work. No failure messages though. Just .. nothing.

    Also, the eSpeak NG one (that I just downloaded) was frowned upon (got
    multiple warnings) because it was 32 bit ...

    Rudy Wieser

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  • From R.Wieser@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 15:23:56 2024

    I don't know what a TTS engine is,

    :-) See the subject line for that.

    All I know is when I wanted Android e-readers to read to me, I installed
    epub apps that said in the description that they had TTS inside of them.

    TTS inside of them, or TTS *support* inside of them ? Quite a difference.

    I'll try RHVoice and if Rudy tries it, that will be two of us.
    Likewise with espeak

    As luck will have it I found a Graphene OS webpage mentioning them. I tried both. Neither worked. One had an internal test which stayed silent (and
    didn't show any errors :-( ), but neither whas found by the ebook reader I
    used for testing.

    Rudy Wieser

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  • From Andy Burns@21:1/5 to R.Wieser on Sun Jul 28 13:53:46 2024
    R.Wieser wrote:

    I've got a pixel 6 with the Graphene OS on it, and would like to be able to use the text-to-speech feature.

    Does GrapheneOS come with Gapps, or have you installed them?

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  • From R.Wieser@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 28 15:36:34 2024

    Does GrapheneOS come with Gapps, or have you installed them?


    Rudy Wieser

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