• OT: More black privilege

    From CrudeSausage@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 09:20:49 2024

    The mother of a teenage boy who was killed in a machete attack faces
    fresh agony today after being told one of his killers will be released
    just six months into his jail term due to prison overcrowding.

    Gordon Gault, 14, died in hospital six days after he was attacked with a
    blade during an ongoing feud in Elswick, Newcastle, in November 2022.

    After a trial at Newcastle Crown Court Carlos Neto, 18, and Lawson
    Natty, also 18, were convicted of manslaughter and unlawful wounding.

    Neto, from Manchester, was jailed for nine years and two months, while
    Natty, from Newcastle, was handed two years and eight months at their
    sentence hearings in March.

    But Gordon's mum Dionne Barrett was left devastated when she received a
    letter confirming Natty's early release at the weekend.


    Catholic, paleoconservative, Christ is king
    Progressives are brain-damaged demonic groomers

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