• Re: Meet Tim Waltz The VP Candidate

    From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Mitchell Holman on Tue Aug 6 12:33:37 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Mitchell Holman wrote:
    Name one of those "born alive babies"

    With proof.

    Put it right here:

    You can't name an unnamed fetus that was murdered, you cornholing demon.


    This morning on WTOP’s “Ask The Governor,” Virginia governor Ralph Northam defended the new abortion bill introduced by state Democrats
    this month, the Repeal Act, which would legalize abortion up to the
    point of birth.

    The interviewer brought up Monday’s committee hearing, during which Democratic delegate Kathy Tran, the chief sponsor of the bill, stated
    that her legislation would allow a woman to receive an abortion even
    while she was going into labor. The host then asked Northam whether he
    supports the bill and asked him to explain Tran’s comment.

    “This is why decisions such as this should be made by providers,
    physicians, and the mothers and fathers that are involved,” Northam
    said. “When we talk about third-trimester abortions, these are done with
    the consent of obviously the mother, with the consent of the physician —
    more than one physician, by the way — and it’s done in cases where there may be severe deformities. There may be a fetus that’s non-viable.”

    Northam is either unaware of the specifics of the bill, or he’s lying
    about them. Tran’s legislation explicitly removes the current
    requirement that three physicians agree that a woman is in need of a
    late-term abortion. The new bill would require only the consent of the
    mother and of the physician performing the abortion. But he went on to
    say something even more heinous.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Mitchell Holman@21:1/5 to John Smyth on Tue Aug 6 18:27:30 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    John Smyth <smythlejon2@hotmail.com> wrote in news:hnb4bj9j7lhlp1qftk8qlmud8pc44pcs80@4ax.com:

    Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered ôlegallyö under
    laws you support.

    Name one of those "born alive babies"

    With proof.

    Put it right here:

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to John Smyth on Tue Aug 6 21:45:52 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-06, John Smyth <smythlejon2@hotmail.com> wrote:
    'Welcome to the race, Tim Walz!

    Let’s make sure America knows who you are.


    You helped ignite the George Floyd riots, the worst the country had seen
    in decades. While Minneapolis burned, you stalled on deploying the
    National Guard for an entire day, blaming the city for not submitting
    the right paperwork. You let your daughter leak the Guard's deployment
    plans online, so that rioters would know how long they had to loot the
    city with impunity. Minneapolis is a war zone because of you.

    Just days after the attempted murder of Donald Trump, you called him and
    his supporters "fascists," egging on the same rhetoric that led to him
    being shot in the first place.

    You have overseen some of the most radical youth trans surgery laws in
    the country. Under your leadership teenagers can get their breast
    chopped off and get sterilized, and your government calls it

    You have the most radical abortion laws in the country. Zero limits.
    Every year 5-6 babies are BORN ALIVE and then murdered “legally” under
    laws you support.On immigration, you famously said you wanted to provide
    a “ladder” so invaders can come over Trump’s wall. You are a radical
    open border zealot.

    You oversaw the single worst fraud of the Covid era, the Feeding Our
    Future case. Thanks to ineptitude at your Department of Education,
    criminals stole $250 million of taxpayer dollars to spend on luxury
    cars, houses, and vacations.

    Also during Covid, you approved $500 million in "hero pay" for frontline workers, only to have 40% of that money go to people who were ineligible
    or, in many cases, literally deceased.

    In the House, you were Pelosi’s sidekick and did whatever the Democrats demanded.

    You will try and disguise yourself as a folksy midwestern moderate. In reality, you are a white male version of Kamala Harris. Radical. Inept. Undeserving to be in leadership.

    Make this go viral. Ruin their honeymoon. Let’s educate millions because
    the media will not.

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is obviously a loyal Marxist
    just like Kamala.

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chris Ahlstrom@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Wed Aug 7 07:06:01 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Governor Swill wrote this copyrighted missive and expects royalties:

    On 06 Aug 2024 21:45:52 GMT, Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    Marxism is better than fascism. I know this because in 1941 we allied with the Marxists to defeat the Fascists.


    She’s a Secret Marxist

    This is a much easier one to disprove. Harris’s father, Donald J. Harris, is
    an economics professor. Meaning that analyzing and discussing different
    economic systems is a large part of his job. In the academic world, he is
    most notable for his work tackling the concept of “capital development” and
    “uneven development.” To oversimplify, these ideas state that economic
    inequality is inevitable in capitalist growth. They are Marxist concepts for
    sure, and Harris’s most prominent work does lean heavily on accepting them
    as truth. However, while the expressed thoughts of Kamala’s father certainly
    are leftist, he has made it clear that he identifies as neither a Marxist
    nor a Communist. The school of thought he belongs to is called
    post-Keynesian. It focuses on the instability of the current world economic
    state, and while it may take such notes from far-left ideologies, it is not
    inherently Marxist.

    These facts mean very little to Kamala Harris’s political enemies, though.
    To them, to acknowledge Communist ideas is to be Communist. And since she
    was raised by a perceived radical leftist, it must mean that the
    Vice-President is a secret Marxist who plans to run the country like a
    Russian dictator and seize property, guns, and freedom from red-blooded
    American patriots. Right? Clearly, this rumor doesn’t hold up against
    scrutiny. But right-wing voices love to repeat this piece of misinformation
    whenever Harris talks about equality or using her presidential powers to
    help low-income Americans. Even if her father was an outspoken Marxist,
    there is nothing in her career or personal past to suggest she is.

    You will be the last person to buy a Chrysler.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chrisv@21:1/5 to Chris Ahlstrom on Thu Aug 8 14:51:41 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to chrisv on Thu Aug 8 21:37:01 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>> obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father who expected his wife to always care to the needs of their daughter, as he can’t imagine the trauma that *he* would incur if he was on a father-daughter outing and she needed an emergency menstrual product.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to chrisv on Thu Aug 8 20:48:17 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Yes. Even high school age boys.


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 20:50:40 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>> obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father who expected his wife to always care to the needs of their daughter, as he can’t imagine the trauma that *he* would incur if he was on a father-daughter outing and she needed an emergency menstrual product.


    You are a sick liberal.
    And probably gay as well because if you knew anything about women you would know full well that the
    majority, by far, carry a menstrual product in their purse. Especially when it's near that time of
    the month.

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From slothe@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 20:54:43 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 08 Aug 2024, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> posted some news:cb8abj5p60jrktpp03dqfovt5s2ega7773@4ax.com:

    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but
    Waltz is obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Tampon Tim fell out of a butternut tree and hit every branch with his
    head on the way down.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 15:01:49 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Joel wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>>> obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Yes. Even high school age boys.


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    Fuck off and lie with your pedo-master Tampon Tim, twink!


    REPORTER: Your response to allegation of stolen valor?

    WALZ: *ignores*

    REPORTER: Your response to allegation of stolen valor!?

    WALZ: *runs away*


    Oh my. It looks like Tim Walz may also have used stolen valor claims to
    falsely receive retirement pay he wasn’t entitled to.

    Replying to @ashleyhayek
    6⃣ He falsely filed paperwork with the Minnesota National Guard to
    retire as an E-9, a Command Sergeant Major, knowing full well he did not
    meet the obligations to retire as an E-9.


    2009 Video Unearthed: Is Tampon Tim Walz Guilty of Violating the Stolen
    Valor Act of 2006?


    The unflattering nickname ‘Tampon Tim’ began trending on X Tuesday,
    shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris announced Walz as her running

    It’s a reference to a bill signed by Governor Walz mandating that
    schools in Minnesota provide menstrual products in all student restrooms
    grades four through twelve, including boys restrooms.


    Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations And Pride Parades

    “They reject the inerrancy of scripture, ordain women to the pastoral
    office [and] hold what many would believe to be unbiblical views on
    abortion and homosexual behavior.”

    Walz faced criticism over his handling of the Floyd riots as he failed
    to deploy the Minnesota National Guard to Minneapolis the day its mayor
    and police chief requested help to quell the intensifying looting and
    arson that was racking the city, the New York Times reported. Damages in Minneapolis from the riot totaled $107 million, with over 1,000
    buildings being burned or damaged, according to the Minnesota Reformer.

    “It was obvious to me that he froze under pressure, under a calamity, as people’s properties were being burned down,” Republican Minnesota State Senator Warren Limmer recently told the NYT.

    Walz’s church has also promoted dozens of pieces of leftist literature
    to help its parishioners become “antiracist.” The 1619 Project, which teaches that America is fundamentally racist, was among the titles

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of
    sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride
    parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and
    celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

    Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that empowered the state of Minnesota
    to revoke custody from parents who deny their children sex changes,
    hormone replacement or cosmetic surgeries, among other interventions.

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church, much like Walz himself, positions itself as an
    ally of the Islamic community by encouraging its congregants through its now-defunct Twitter account to attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy
    day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows
    wishing those around them a “Blessed Ramadan.”

    Walz regularly attends Muslim religious meals and has spoken at events
    hosted by local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

    “Satan wants to do everything in his power to separate Christians from
    the one true faith,” Wendt said. “Many mainline protestant denominations
    in America have fallen prey to the spirit of the age and are willing to
    make any concession necessary to stay in line with an ever changing

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to slothe on Thu Aug 8 15:02:07 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    slothe wrote:
    On 08 Aug 2024, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> posted some news:cb8abj5p60jrktpp03dqfovt5s2ega7773@4ax.com:

    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but
    Waltz is obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Tampon Tim fell out of a butternut tree and hit every branch with his
    head on the way down.

    True dat!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 15:06:17 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Joel wrote:
    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>> obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Well, you definitely are a TrumpTard, Chris.

    Beats this un-Godly abomination, eh traitor?


    REPORTER: Your response to allegation of stolen valor?

    WALZ: *ignores*

    REPORTER: Your response to allegation of stolen valor!?

    WALZ: *runs away*


    Oh my. It looks like Tim Walz may also have used stolen valor claims to
    falsely receive retirement pay he wasn’t entitled to.

    Replying to @ashleyhayek
    6⃣ He falsely filed paperwork with the Minnesota National Guard to
    retire as an E-9, a Command Sergeant Major, knowing full well he did not
    meet the obligations to retire as an E-9.


    2009 Video Unearthed: Is Tampon Tim Walz Guilty of Violating the Stolen
    Valor Act of 2006?


    The unflattering nickname ‘Tampon Tim’ began trending on X Tuesday,
    shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris announced Walz as her running

    It’s a reference to a bill signed by Governor Walz mandating that
    schools in Minnesota provide menstrual products in all student restrooms
    grades four through twelve, including boys restrooms.


    Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations And Pride Parades

    “They reject the inerrancy of scripture, ordain women to the pastoral
    office [and] hold what many would believe to be unbiblical views on
    abortion and homosexual behavior.”

    Walz faced criticism over his handling of the Floyd riots as he failed
    to deploy the Minnesota National Guard to Minneapolis the day its mayor
    and police chief requested help to quell the intensifying looting and
    arson that was racking the city, the New York Times reported. Damages in Minneapolis from the riot totaled $107 million, with over 1,000
    buildings being burned or damaged, according to the Minnesota Reformer.

    “It was obvious to me that he froze under pressure, under a calamity, as people’s properties were being burned down,” Republican Minnesota State Senator Warren Limmer recently told the NYT.

    Walz’s church has also promoted dozens of pieces of leftist literature
    to help its parishioners become “antiracist.” The 1619 Project, which teaches that America is fundamentally racist, was among the titles

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of
    sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride
    parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and
    celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

    Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that empowered the state of Minnesota
    to revoke custody from parents who deny their children sex changes,
    hormone replacement or cosmetic surgeries, among other interventions.

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church, much like Walz himself, positions itself as an
    ally of the Islamic community by encouraging its congregants through its now-defunct Twitter account to attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy
    day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows
    wishing those around them a “Blessed Ramadan.”

    Walz regularly attends Muslim religious meals and has spoken at events
    hosted by local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

    “Satan wants to do everything in his power to separate Christians from
    the one true faith,” Wendt said. “Many mainline protestant denominations
    in America have fallen prey to the spirit of the age and are willing to
    make any concession necessary to stay in line with an ever changing

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 21:10:15 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
    Charlie Glock wrote:
    New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>>>obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Yes. Even high school age boys.

    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota?
    Yea, I'm against that.
    Are you?

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 15:13:03 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -hh wrote:
    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father

    1.) Your absurd conflation reveals far more about your inner mania and

    2.) You misspelled misogyny.

    3.) You are a treasonous virus that somehow burrowed into our military,
    how sad.

    4.) It is hoped that you never sired any progeny.

    FOAD, scumbag.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Tsuno Regular@21:1/5 to Charlie Glock on Thu Aug 8 14:25:11 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 8/8/2024 2:10 PM, Charlie Glock wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:
    Charlie Glock wrote:
    New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is
    obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Yes. Even high school age boys.


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota? Yea, I'm against that.
    Are you?

    I'm sure the Mayor of Minneapolis is targeted for an administration
    appointment due to his superb handling of the rioting as well...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 15:56:33 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Joel wrote:
    I'm less against the 2020 riots, than I am the murder of George Floyd
    and others.

    Spoken like an actual TRAITOR to our nation!

    You miserable zero, esad.


    Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations And Pride Parades

    “They reject the inerrancy of scripture, ordain women to the pastoral
    office [and] hold what many would believe to be unbiblical views on
    abortion and homosexual behavior.”

    Walz faced criticism over his handling of the Floyd riots as he failed
    to deploy the Minnesota National Guard to Minneapolis the day its mayor
    and police chief requested help to quell the intensifying looting and
    arson that was racking the city, the New York Times reported. Damages in Minneapolis from the riot totaled $107 million, with over 1,000
    buildings being burned or damaged, according to the Minnesota Reformer.

    “It was obvious to me that he froze under pressure, under a calamity, as people’s properties were being burned down,” Republican Minnesota State Senator Warren Limmer recently told the NYT.

    Walz’s church has also promoted dozens of pieces of leftist literature
    to help its parishioners become “antiracist.” The 1619 Project, which teaches that America is fundamentally racist, was among the titles

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of
    sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride
    parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and
    celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

    Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that empowered the state of Minnesota
    to revoke custody from parents who deny their children sex changes,
    hormone replacement or cosmetic surgeries, among other interventions.

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church, much like Walz himself, positions itself as an
    ally of the Islamic community by encouraging its congregants through its now-defunct Twitter account to attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy
    day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows
    wishing those around them a “Blessed Ramadan.”

    Walz regularly attends Muslim religious meals and has spoken at events
    hosted by local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

    “Satan wants to do everything in his power to separate Christians from
    the one true faith,” Wendt said. “Many mainline protestant denominations
    in America have fallen prey to the spirit of the age and are willing to
    make any concession necessary to stay in line with an ever changing

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Glock"@localhost.com on Thu Aug 8 22:58:31 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is >>>>>> obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father who expected his >> wife to always care to the needs of their daughter, as he can’t imagine the
    trauma that *he* would incur if he was on a father-daughter outing and she >> needed an emergency menstrual product.


    You are a sick liberal.

    Trigger harder “snowflake”

    And probably gay as well because if you knew anything about women you
    would know full well that the
    majority, by far, carry a menstrual product in their purse. Especially
    when it's near that time of
    the month.

    Context was “daughter”, not women.

    As such, there’s not only good odds of them still being quite irregular and unprepared, but that they’re not really to the age when they’re always carrying a purse.

    Plus … when girls are raised in a highly conservative family, they may not even know what the hell is happening to them. This literally happened to a friend of mine, while we were boarding the busses for a school trip
    Freshman year. Very traumatizing for them.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From -hh@21:1/5 to Chips Loral on Thu Aug 8 22:59:45 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Chips Loral <loralandclinton@invalid.co> wrote:
    -hh wrote:
    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father

    1.) Your absurd conflation reveals far more about your inner mania and deceit.

    2.) You misspelled misogyny.

    3.) You are a treasonous virus that somehow burrowed into our military,
    how sad.

    4.) It is hoped that you never sired any progeny.

    FOAD, scumbag.

    Oh, look: it’s another triggered misogynistic, insecure fuckwit.

    And my apologies for my App not having an integrated spellcheck that
    includes “misogynistic”


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 22:05:52 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota? >>Yea, I'm against that.
    Are you?

    I'm less against the 2020 riots, than I am the murder of George Floyd
    and others.

    George Floyd was a career criminal. No loss IMHO.
    While I do not agree with how he was treated by the police, to elevate him to icon status is
    If you want to go that route, Eric Garner selling lucy's. is far more deserving of support as what
    he was doing was the equivalent of jay walking.

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 16:08:12 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -hh wrote:
    Context was “daughter”, not women.

    Your pedofucking hero Biden showered with his teen daughter - you
    amoral, exterminable, treasonous, demotarded vermin!

    ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 16:07:07 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -hh wrote:
    Chips Loral <loralandclinton@invalid.co> wrote:
    -hh wrote:
    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father

    1.) Your absurd conflation reveals far more about your inner mania and

    2.) You misspelled misogyny.

    3.) You are a treasonous virus that somehow burrowed into our military,
    how sad.

    4.) It is hoped that you never sired any progeny.

    FOAD, scumbag.

    Oh, look: it’s another triggered

    I bet the men you served with fucking loathe you for your demotarded

    ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Charlie Glock on Thu Aug 8 16:14:38 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Charlie Glock wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is
    obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find >>>>> a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father who expected his
    wife to always care to the needs of their daughter, as he can’t imagine the
    trauma that *he* would incur if he was on a father-daughter outing and she >>>> needed an emergency menstrual product.


    You are a sick liberal.

    Trigger harder “snowflake”

    I'm not the one who needed a safe space when Trump one or lost in 2020.
    That would be you liberals.
    Seeing as you, like most liberals, seem to be an expert on tampon use how does it feel stuffing one
    up your arse?

    Lol, like being Willie Brown'd!

    And probably gay as well because if you knew anything about women you
    would know full well that the
    majority, by far, carry a menstrual product in their purse. Especially
    when it's near that time of
    the month.

    Context was “daughter”, not women.


    Pedo too.

    As such, there’s not only good odds of them still being quite irregular and
    unprepared, but that they’re not really to the age when they’re always >> carrying a purse.

    Once again, you are an idiot.

    You do seem to know little of women/females/girls/ladies or whatever term you prefer to use.
    You sound like a homosexual to me.

    A Waltzing Matilda!

    Plus … when girls are raised in a highly conservative family, they may not >> even know what the hell is happening to them. This literally happened to a >> friend of mine, while we were boarding the busses for a school trip
    Freshman year. Very traumatizing for them.

    We no longer live in the 1600's in case you haven't figured that out.
    I'll bet the movie "To Sir With Love" traumatized you.
    Too bad for you.

    I think he's more into Nabokov...

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 22:10:39 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, -hh <recscuba_google@huntzinger.com> wrote:
    chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    I've never heard of Tim Waltz, or JD Vance for that matter, but Waltz is
    obviously a loyal Marxist just like Kamala.


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Spoken like a “conservative” (aka myogencistic) father who expected his >>> wife to always care to the needs of their daughter, as he can’t imagine the
    trauma that *he* would incur if he was on a father-daughter outing and she >>> needed an emergency menstrual product.


    You are a sick liberal.

    Trigger harder “snowflake”

    I'm not the one who needed a safe space when Trump one or lost in 2020.
    That would be you liberals.
    Seeing as you, like most liberals, seem to be an expert on tampon use how does it feel stuffing one
    up your arse?

    And probably gay as well because if you knew anything about women you
    would know full well that the
    majority, by far, carry a menstrual product in their purse. Especially
    when it's near that time of
    the month.

    Context was “daughter”, not women.


    As such, there’s not only good odds of them still being quite irregular and unprepared, but that they’re not really to the age when they’re always carrying a purse.

    Once again, you are an idiot.

    You do seem to know little of women/females/girls/ladies or whatever term you prefer to use.
    You sound like a homosexual to me.

    Plus … when girls are raised in a highly conservative family, they may not even know what the hell is happening to them. This literally happened to a friend of mine, while we were boarding the busses for a school trip
    Freshman year. Very traumatizing for them.

    We no longer live in the 1600's in case you haven't figured that out.
    I'll bet the movie "To Sir With Love" traumatized you.
    Too bad for you.


    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Charlie Glock on Thu Aug 8 16:16:01 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Charlie Glock wrote:
    On 2024-08-08, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota? >>> Yea, I'm against that.
    Are you?

    I'm less against the 2020 riots, than I am the murder of George Floyd
    and others.

    George Floyd was a career criminal. No loss IMHO.

    Porno actor.


    Drug dealer.

    Wife beater.




    While I do not agree with how he was treated by the police, to elevate him to icon status is

    But Chauvin and him were 'buddies'!

    If you want to go that route, Eric Garner selling lucy's. is far more deserving of support as what
    he was doing was the equivalent of jay walking.

    I mean yeah, straight up so.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 16:22:19 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Joel wrote:
    Charlie Glock <"Charlie Glock"@localhost.com> wrote:


    'New state-mandated tampon dispenser in Conn. HS boys bathroom ripped down in just 20 minutes:
    principal '

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota? >>>> Yea, I'm against that.
    Are you?

    I'm less against the 2020 riots, than I am the murder of George Floyd
    and others.

    George Floyd was a career criminal. No loss IMHO.
    While I do not agree with how he was treated by the police, to elevate him to icon status is
    If you want to go that route, Eric Garner selling lucy's. is far more deserving of support as what
    he was doing was the equivalent of jay walking.

    Certainly, you have a point in the comparison. Garner wasn't an
    angel, but the idea that selling cigarettes is a crime is pretty
    fucking stupid. The cops have nothing more important to do, than
    bother him? Just totally incomprehensible to me. Talk about a
    victimless crime, FFS.

    Damned if we all don't agree on one thing!

    🧠 🧠 🧠

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chrisv@21:1/5 to -highhorse on Thu Aug 8 17:30:50 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -highhorse wrote:

    chrisv wrote:

    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    (idiocy snipped)

    A classic garbage "rebuttal" from -highhorse. Nothing but made-up

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chrisv@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 17:33:41 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -hh wrote:

    Context was ôdaughterö, not women.

    If my daughter needed a tampon she could look for one in the womens
    room. Idiot.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From chrisv@21:1/5 to Charlie Glock on Thu Aug 8 17:35:09 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Charlie Glock wrote:

    You are supportive of property destruction, as long as it targets
    something transgender-related? Idiot.

    You mean like the BLM riots that burned down 1500 businesses in Minnesota?

    Yeah, as if the leftists hesitate to destroy things that they don't

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lil dwarf Rudey@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Thu Aug 8 16:39:55 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Governor Swill wrote:
    Do with that information what you will.

    Now you make death threats....


    Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A Terrell/Al Feldhauser/Malte Runz and a dozen other socks wrote:

    Multiple death threats against Trump: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Path: eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!border-1.nntp.ord.giganews.com!border-2.nntp.ord.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.netnews.com!netnews.com!s1-4.netnews.com!peer01.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.
    From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
    Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.elections
    Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
    Message-ID: <emo79jh20rlasuask9094vtlepuu5ui0av@4ax.com>
    References: <1oKdnTc9CYmJlg77nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@earthlink.com> <XnsB1AED5FEA65AA629555@>
    <ONIkO.102541$dFU1.83026@fx11.ams4> <XnsB1AF52A9CDF3B629555@> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
    MIME-Version: 1.0
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    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Lines: 55
    X-Complaints-To: abuse@easynews.com
    Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
    X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
    otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
    Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

    Oh poor me I got shot at ...

    Swill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Path: eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!border-3.nntp.ord.giganews.com!border-2.nntp.ord.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.netnews.com!s1-3.netnews.com!peer01.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-
    From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
    Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.elections
    Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
    Message-ID: <4ln79j914cpespbrssonesbciii33ess3m@4ax.com>
    References: <1oKdnTc9CYmJlg77nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@earthlink.com> <XnsB1AED5FEA65AA629555@>
    X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Lines: 31
    X-Complaints-To: abuse@easynews.com
    Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
    X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
    otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
    Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

    Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



    From: J Carlson <j_carlson@gmx.com>
    Newsgroups: alt.politics.immigration,alt.politics.nationalism.white,talk.politics.misc,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
    Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
    Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
    Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
    Lines: 25
    Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$1@dont-email.me>
    References: <v54h6j$39cuk$1@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$18@dont-email.me>
    <v5df1n$1caue$1@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$3@dont-email.me>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    Injection-Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 21:35:53 +0200 (CEST)
    Injection-Info: dont-email.me;
    mail-complaints-to="abuse@eternal-september.org"; posting-account="U2FsdGVkX195k8uMNmZfnyDG9tQmsu21WqljX3bfQxM="
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    In-Reply-To: <O9acnRiefIZol-b7nZ2dnZfqn_adnZ2d@giganews.com>
    Xref: news.eternal-september.org alt.politics.immigration:383549 alt.politics.nationalism.white:10913 talk.politics.misc:1295918 alt.fan.rush-limbaugh:3024985

    No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
    thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
    is an important step to getting there.


    That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

    18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency
    U.S. Code
    prev | next
    (a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
    or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
    letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
    threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
    the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
    President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
    of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
    knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
    President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
    order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
    or both.
    (b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
    candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
    respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
    held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
    accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
    phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
    order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
    United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
    Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L. 97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

    9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
    Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
    Service Protectees
    The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
    supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
    caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
    the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
    U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
    United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
    involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
    settlement involving a § 871 charge.


    PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
    for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
    Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
    counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
    and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

    The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
    living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
    to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
    November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
    statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
    U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
    crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
    series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

    Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
    Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
    up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
    of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
    five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release.

    A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
    criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
    presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

    The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
    case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
    handling the prosecution.

    Those can be reported here:





    Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Lil dwarf Rudey@21:1/5 to Governor Swill on Thu Aug 8 16:40:26 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Governor Swill wrote:
    I've always wondered why guys are so embarrassed by this.

    Now you make death threats....


    Governor Swill /Rudy Canoza/Lou Bricano/J Carlson/Michael A Terrell/Al Feldhauser/Malte Runz and a dozen other socks wrote:

    Multiple death threats against Trump: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Path: eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!border-1.nntp.ord.giganews.com!border-2.nntp.ord.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.netnews.com!netnews.com!s1-4.netnews.com!peer01.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.
    From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
    Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.elections
    Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
    Message-ID: <emo79jh20rlasuask9094vtlepuu5ui0av@4ax.com>
    References: <1oKdnTc9CYmJlg77nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@earthlink.com> <XnsB1AED5FEA65AA629555@>
    <ONIkO.102541$dFU1.83026@fx11.ams4> <XnsB1AF52A9CDF3B629555@> X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Lines: 55
    X-Complaints-To: abuse@easynews.com
    Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
    X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
    otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
    Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:38:43 -0400

    Oh poor me I got shot at ...

    Swill ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Path: eternal-september.org!news.eternal-september.org!feeder3.eternal-september.org!border-3.nntp.ord.giganews.com!border-2.nntp.ord.giganews.com!nntp.giganews.com!news-out.netnews.com!s1-3.netnews.com!peer01.iad!feed-me.highwinds-media.com!news.highwinds-
    From: Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com>
    Newsgroups: talk.politics.misc,alt.politics,alt.politics.usa,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh,alt.elections
    Subject: Re: Triumphant Trump Photo After Assassination Attempt
    Message-ID: <4ln79j914cpespbrssonesbciii33ess3m@4ax.com>
    References: <1oKdnTc9CYmJlg77nZ2dnZfqnPednZ2d@earthlink.com> <XnsB1AED5FEA65AA629555@>
    X-Newsreader: Forte Agent 3.3/32.846
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
    Lines: 31
    X-Complaints-To: abuse@easynews.com
    Organization: Easynews - www.easynews.com
    X-Complaints-Info: Please be sure to forward a copy of ALL headers
    otherwise we will be unable to process your complaint properly.
    Date: Sun, 14 Jul 2024 10:37:51 -0400

    Cheer up, maybe someone else will try.



    From: J Carlson <j_carlson@gmx.com>
    Newsgroups: alt.politics.immigration,alt.politics.nationalism.white,talk.politics.misc,alt.fan.rush-limbaugh
    Subject: Re: AP Lies by Ommission About Identity of Invaders Charged with
    Rape, Murder of 12-Year-Old
    Date: Tue, 25 Jun 2024 12:35:52 -0700
    Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
    Lines: 25
    Message-ID: <v5f66o$1mps9$1@dont-email.me>
    References: <v54h6j$39cuk$1@dont-email.me> <v54hrs$38mfs$18@dont-email.me>
    <v5df1n$1caue$1@dont-email.me> <v5edju$1hv3p$3@dont-email.me>
    MIME-Version: 1.0
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    No. I am a patriotic American who wants the country and its people to
    thrive. Getting rid of Trump permanently
    is an important step to getting there.


    That constitutes a DEATH THREAT against a former President, Rudey:

    18 U.S. Code § 871 - Threats against President and successors to the Presidency
    U.S. Code
    prev | next
    (a)Whoever knowingly and willfully deposits for conveyance in the mail
    or for a delivery from any post office or by any letter carrier any
    letter, paper, writing, print, missive, or document containing any
    threat to take the life of, to kidnap, or to inflict bodily harm upon
    the President of the United States, the President-elect, the Vice
    President or other officer next in the order of succession to the office
    of President of the United States, or the Vice President-elect, or
    knowingly and willfully otherwise makes any such threat against the
    President, President-elect, Vice President or other officer next in the
    order of succession to the office of President, or Vice President-elect,
    shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years,
    or both.
    (b)The terms “President-elect” and “Vice President-elect” as used in this section shall mean such persons as are the apparent successful
    candidates for the offices of President and Vice President,
    respectively, as ascertained from the results of the general elections
    held to determine the electors of President and Vice President in
    accordance with title 3, United States Code, sections 1 and 2. The
    phrase “other officer next in the order of succession to the office of President” as used in this section shall mean the person next in the
    order of succession to act as President in accordance with title 3,
    United States Code, sections 19 and 20.
    (June 25, 1948, ch. 645, 62 Stat. 740; June 1, 1955, ch. 115, § 1, 69
    Stat. 80; Pub. L. 87–829, § 1, Oct. 15, 1962, 76 Stat. 956; Pub. L. 97–297, § 2, Oct. 12, 1982, 96 Stat. 1318; Pub. L. 103–322, title XXXIII, § 330016(1)(H), Sept. 13, 1994, 108 Stat. 2147.)

    9-65.200 - Threats Against the President and Successors to the
    Presidency; Threats Against Former Presidents; and Certain Other Secret
    Service Protectees
    The Counterterrorism Section of the National Security Division has
    supervisory authority over 18 U.S.C. §§ 871 and 879 cases. As great
    caution must be taken in matters relating to the security of the persons protected by 18 U.S.C. § 871, United States Attorneys are encouraged to consult with the Counterterrorism Section (CTS) of the National Security Division when they have doubts on the prosecutive merit of a case. For
    the same reason, dismissal of complaints under 18 U.S.C. § 871, when the defendant is in custody under the Mental Incompetency Statutes (18
    U.S.C. §§ 4244, 4246), requires approval from CTS. In other cases,
    United States Attorneys must consult prior to dismissing a count
    involving, or entering into any sentence commitment or other case
    settlement involving a § 871 charge.


    PHOENIX –David Michael Hanson, 41, of Phoenix, was arrested on Wednesday
    for making online threats against the President and Vice-President.
    Hanson was charged by Federal criminal complaint on Tuesday with five
    counts of Threats Against the President and Successors to the Presidency
    and five counts of Interstate Communication of Threats.

    The complaint alleges that in November and December of 2023, while
    living in Arizona, Hanson used a social media platform to post threats
    to murder the President and Vice President of the United States. On
    November 19, 2023, Hanson posted online a series of threatening
    statements including one that stated, “#joeAndKamala I’m asking you to resign on Monday your alternative is death brutally murdered.” After the
    U.S. Secret Service spoke to Hanson and warned him that it was a Federal
    crime to post such threats, on December 23, 2023, Hanson posted another
    series of similar threats aimed at the President and Vice-President.

    Each count of Threats Against the President and Successors to the
    Presidency carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison, a fine of
    up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release. Each count
    of Interstate Communication of Threats carries a maximum sentence of
    five years in prison, a fine of up to $250,000, and up to three years of supervised release.

    A complaint is simply a method by which a person is charged with
    criminal activity and raises no inference of guilt. An individual is
    presumed innocent until evidence is presented to a jury that establishes
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.

    The United States Secret Service is conducting the investigation in this
    case. The United States Attorney’s Office, District of Arizona, is
    handling the prosecution.

    Those can be reported here:





    Fellow citizens, won't you join in ending Rudey's terrorism here?


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  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 16:48:58 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Joel wrote:



    The unflattering nickname ‘Tampon Tim’ began trending on X Tuesday,
    shortly after Vice President Kamala Harris announced Walz as her running

    It’s a reference to a bill signed by Governor Walz mandating that
    schools in Minnesota provide menstrual products in all student restrooms
    grades four through twelve, including boys restrooms.


    Kamala’s VP pick Gov. Walz supports free college for illegal immigrants

    Here’s Walz’s record on higher education:

    - Signed a bill into law in 2023 that allowed illegal immigrants to
    apply for free college tuition within the Minnesota State and University
    of Minnesota systems.

    - Signed a bill that provided low-income students with free college
    tuition at public state universities.

    - Signed an executive order on masking during the COVID-19 pandemic,
    which extended to universities.

    [RELATED: New law will qualify illegal immigrants for free college in Minnesota]

    According to Axios, the plan made illegal immigrants eligible to receive
    free tuition at schools with the University of Minnesota or Minnesota
    State systems if their families make $80,000 or less annually.


    Tim Walz may have the manner of a kindly, Midwestern dad. But when it
    comes to protecting the country’s children from transgender medical interventions, Walz is not interested. In fact, he wants the opposite.

    Vice President Kamala Harris tapped the Minnesota governor as her
    running mate Tuesday, prompting scrutiny of his progressive record on everything from immigration to abortion and gender ideology.

    Walz signed a cluster of legislation in April 2023 that established
    Minnesota as a haven for children who want puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, or transgender surgeries.

    One law Walz signed allows Minnesota to seize custody of a child whose
    parents refuse to provide “gender affirming care.”

    “A court of this state has temporary emergency jurisdiction if the child
    is present in this state and … the child has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care,” the bill reads.

    The same law says Minnesota will refuse to help if another state is
    trying to remove a child from his or her parents because the parents are subjecting the child to hormone treatments or surgeries.

    At the signing, Walz squeezed the hand of a 12-year-old boy wearing a
    dress who identified as a girl. A six-year-old boy, also in a dress, was
    in attendance with his parents, who are raising him as a girl.

    “For trans rights,” the squirming six-year-old said when asked by a reporter why his family was there.

    “Guess what? Love wins,” Walz said at the order signing.

    Walz’s lieutenant governor, Peggy Flanagan, wore a shirt with a picture
    of a knife and the words, “Protect Trans Kids” to the signing.

    In May of last year, Walz signed legislation requiring boys’ bathrooms
    in public schools to stock free tampons or pads beginning in January 2024.

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  • From Charlie Glock <"Charlie@21:1/5 to Joel on Thu Aug 8 22:54:50 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    On 2024-08-08, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote:
    Governor Swill <governor.swill@gmail.com> wrote:
    On Thu, 08 Aug 2024 16:05:07 -0400, Joel <joelcrump@gmail.com> wrote: >>>chrisv <chrisv@nospam.invalid> wrote:
    Chris Ahlstrom wrote:


    That's what normal people do when they walk into a mens room and find
    a tampon machine. 100% Tampon Tim approved.

    Well, you definitely are a TrumpTard, Chris.

    Why? That would certainly be *my* reaction if I walked into a men's room and saw a tampon


    All argument aside, I recall being in a men's room when a guy ran in, stripped below the
    waist and started putting his jeans back on. Noticing he'd become the center of
    attention, he said, "My girlfriend says there's no tampons in the machine." >>
    Do with that information what you will.

    I have no idea what to make of that.

    Females pretending to be males may have periods.
    They are not men.

    Charlie Glock
    "No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms"
    - Thomas Jefferson 1776

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  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to -hh on Thu Aug 8 16:55:54 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    -hh wrote:
    As such, there’s not only good odds of them still being quite irregular and unprepared, but that they’re not really to the age when they’re always carrying a purse.

    Onem ore demotarded pedofucker in office and every young male will be
    feminized and neutered by the state.

    You are sick to the core!


    Tim Walz’s Church Doesn’t Like To Call God ‘Him,’ Supports Reparations And Pride Parades

    “They reject the inerrancy of scripture, ordain women to the pastoral
    office [and] hold what many would believe to be unbiblical views on
    abortion and homosexual behavior.”

    Walz faced criticism over his handling of the Floyd riots as he failed
    to deploy the Minnesota National Guard to Minneapolis the day its mayor
    and police chief requested help to quell the intensifying looting and
    arson that was racking the city, the New York Times reported. Damages in Minneapolis from the riot totaled $107 million, with over 1,000
    buildings being burned or damaged, according to the Minnesota Reformer.

    “It was obvious to me that he froze under pressure, under a calamity, as people’s properties were being burned down,” Republican Minnesota State Senator Warren Limmer recently told the NYT.

    Walz’s church has also promoted dozens of pieces of leftist literature
    to help its parishioners become “antiracist.” The 1619 Project, which teaches that America is fundamentally racist, was among the titles

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church also takes a liberal stance on issues of
    sexuality and gender by sending its members to march at gay pride
    parades, working to amplify the “voices of women and nonbinary/gender non-conforming individuals,” having gender-neutral restrooms and
    celebrating “coming out day,” among other initiatives.

    Walz signed a bill in April 2023 that empowered the state of Minnesota
    to revoke custody from parents who deny their children sex changes,
    hormone replacement or cosmetic surgeries, among other interventions.

    Pilgrim Lutheran Church, much like Walz himself, positions itself as an
    ally of the Islamic community by encouraging its congregants through its now-defunct Twitter account to attend meals celebrating the Muslim holy
    day of Ramadan and by providing them signs to paste in their windows
    wishing those around them a “Blessed Ramadan.”

    Walz regularly attends Muslim religious meals and has spoken at events
    hosted by local chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, according to the National Catholic Reporter.

    “Satan wants to do everything in his power to separate Christians from
    the one true faith,” Wendt said. “Many mainline protestant denominations
    in America have fallen prey to the spirit of the age and are willing to
    make any concession necessary to stay in line with an ever changing

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  • From Chips Loral@21:1/5 to Paul Ragna on Fri Aug 9 09:38:54 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, talk.politics.guns

    Paul Ragna wrote:

    ( a Rudey sock )
    George Floyd was a career criminal.

    No, he wasn't.

    You are a a fucking LIAR!


    George Floyd Criminal Record
    George Floyd Gun Pregnant: Firearm/Gun Robbery Conviction & Theft
    Criminal Career
    According to Candace Owens, who refused to amend “George his Martyr”
    said that George once put a gun to a pregnant lady’s/women’s stomach and allegedly robbed a pregnant lady which is not acceptable by any means.
    However, there is no written statement of the same in the court records.

    In 2009, George Floyd was arrested for a 1st-degree felony charge, as
    per police criminal records/history/past, of assault and armed robbery
    he took part in 2007 and spent five years in prison for breaking into a lady’s house with the intent to rob her. George agreed that he wore a
    blue uniform to look like a government employee to gain the lady’s
    trust, and eventually pave his way into the house.

    The lady soon realized that the person was impersonating to be a
    government worker, she tried to shut the door but Floyd brute-forced his
    way into the house. Consequently, a Ford truck pulled up to the house’s
    main entrance, five people exited the truck and went straight inside the lady’s house.

    According to Daily Mail (UK), the court report mentions that the victim identified George as the criminal, tallest of all the robbers, who
    pressed a pistol to her stomach and forced his way into the house.
    George Floyd’s height was 6 foot 6 inches.

    ‘This large suspect then proceeded to search the residence while another armed suspect guarded the complainant, who was struck in the head and
    sides by this second armed suspect with his pistol while she screamed
    for help.’

    Not finding any cash, Floyd and other men took jewelry and the lady’s cellphone and fled the scene using the truck. A neighbor had witnessed
    the robbery attempt, wrote down the license plate number, and reported
    the incident to 911 instantly.

    The police followed the lead and successfully tracked down the car.
    Floyd was found behind the wheels. Later, his identity was
    cross-verified with the women who reported that a tall suspect had
    placed a gun to her abdomen and invaded her home forcefully.

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