• Re: (MS Word) ".doc" files are (sometimes?) unsafe to share

    From Tilde@21:1/5 to Peter Moylan on Thu Aug 1 22:31:43 2024
    XPost: sci.lang, microsoft.public.word.newusers

    Peter Moylan wrote:
    On 13/06/24 13:36, Steve Hayes wrote:

    I recently had to send a document to my uncle and a cousin, so I
    converted it to PDF first. It turned out that their mail provider (the
    same provider in both cases) rejected mail with a PDF attachment. I'm
    going to have to send it by snail mail.

    Came across this looking at some older posts.
    Something I've successfully used many times
    in the past is to simply change the file
    extension (to ".txt" for example) and let the
    recipient know to save it with the correct
    extension. If the mailer only looks at the
    file name this gets through. Have not had to
    do this for quite a while, so YMMV.

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