• LyX 2.4.0 Released

    From LWN.net@1337:1/100 to All on Mon Jun 3 22:00:06 2024
    LyX 2.4.0 Released

    Mon, 03 Jun 2024 20:51:21 +0000

    Version 2.4.0 of the LyX document processor has been released. LyX is a "
    What You See Is What You
    Mean " (WYSIWYM) application that offers GUI editing of LaTeX
    documents with import and export to PDF, HTML, OpenDocument, Word, and
    other formats. LyX 2.4.0 is the first major release in six years, and
    brings support for EPUB, DocBook 5, improved
    table styles, and now uses Unicode (utf8) as its default encoding. See
    the full list of new
    features on the LyX wiki, and release
    notes for information on known issues and caveats for those
    upgrading from earlier versions of LyX.

    Link to news story:

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