• Next for the chosen one

    From shitty@700:100/18 to All on Fri Aug 2 09:20:28 2024
    Democrats impeached Trump.

    Democrats charged Trump with bogus crimes.

    Democrats used all of the world's institutions against Trump.

    Democrats tried to kill Trump in Butler Pennsylvania.

    What will they try next?

    My prediction is severe power outages on election day, but what else might they try?

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)
  • From roman@700:100/69 to shitty on Sun Aug 18 11:50:21 2024
    I've always said that mr. Trump is not best Respublican candidate. I want to see real war veteran who knows what he fought for. This is my opinition.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to roman on Tue Sep 3 15:40:26 2024
    I've always said that mr. Trump is not best Respublican candidate. I
    want to see real war veteran who knows what he fought for. This is my opinition.

    A war veteran sounds like an excellent choice. A war veteran deserves to be president more than (for example) a law school graduate, but the problem is that war veterans don't have the money or the popularity to win. If they had money to win the presidential election, then they wouldn't have been in a war.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to shitty on Wed Sep 4 08:09:30 2024
    On 03 Sep 2024, shitty said the following...

    I've always said that mr. Trump is not best Respublican candidate. I want to see real war veteran who knows what he fought for. This is my opinition.

    A war veteran sounds like an excellent choice. A war veteran deserves to be president more than (for example) a law school graduate, but the problem is that war veterans don't have the money or the popularity to win. If they had money to win the presidential election, then they wouldn't have been in a war.

    As a veteran with some insight, don't get too excited about veteran-status seperating out the best.

    It is true that among veterans there are some outstanding people.

    But it is NOT true that being a veteran creates outstanding people.

    I served with socialists, dolts, and yes traitors, as well as served with the sort of people you wish were family as they were so good.

    When I meet another veteran I want to hear some details about what they did. The contents of those details is maybe not as important as how they tell me their story.

    The best tend to humble and understated.

    The questionable and outright bad tend to exagerate and you can quickly catch them in the self-love of a headcase, and a love of shiny leather boots their jackboot nature craves.

    Also don't forget that among the veterans are the true headcases who want to kill, abuse those they consider weaker, and basically get away with anything they can. "Junkyard Dogs" of society.


    Ditto on law degrees, MBAs, CPAs and other qualifiers popularly equated to being mischief makers in society. Among those ranks you can find the best in the same crowd as the headcases that create our sterotypes.

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to k9zw on Wed Sep 4 11:27:09 2024
    problem is that war veterans don't have the money or the popularity t win. If they had money to win the presidential election, then they wouldn't have been in a war.

    As a veteran with some insight, don't get too excited about
    veteran-status seperating out the best.

    I appreciate your reply on this subject! I'm not a veteran, but I've worked with a lot of them. Something I've always noticed about them (most of them) is that they open up more (socially) to other veterans and even to civilian police officers than they do to anyone else. And I realize that not everyone is the same, but your explanation here has given me an idea of why they often are like that.

    It is true that among veterans there are some outstanding people.

    But it is NOT true that being a veteran creates outstanding people.

    Thanks for pointing that out. It makes sense. Having a military background on the resume is helpful, but a military employment history on a piece of paper doesn't explain what kind of person the candidate/veteran is. (Thank goodness for Tim Walz's older brother giving us a more detailed overview of what kind of guy Tim Walz is!)

    When I meet another veteran I want to hear some details about what they did. The contents of those details is maybe not as important as how
    they tell me their story.

    This all makes sense. Other veterans do this type of interviewing too. I just didn't understand why until now.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)
  • From k9zw@700:100/69 to shitty on Wed Sep 4 16:13:23 2024
    On 04 Sep 2024, shitty said the following...

    worked with a lot of them. Something I've always noticed about them
    (most of them) is that they open up more (socially) to other veterans
    and even to civilian police officers than they do to anyone else. And I

    There is a shared commonality of experience that is hard to explain.

    Basic training is a formative experience for many.

    Oaths taken may be the first "serious affirmation" many have taken, and one where there are consequences.

    Combat vets are like a group inside the veteran groups, that again share something special in terms of experiences.

    LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) often have experiences that overlap in major ways with veterans, and hence the same world view.

    When I meet another veteran I want to hear some details about what th did. The contents of those details is maybe not as important as how they tell me their story.

    This all makes sense. Other veterans do this type of interviewing too. I just didn't understand why until now.

    Qualifing by informal interviewing is always a good start to feeling out what the other person might be like.

    Be aware that among veterans you can find some pretty damaged minds, ones who are clever enough to largely conceal the mischief they are up to. You will also come across those with split loyalties, who may have served and served honorably, but have true motivations that are not in alignment.

    Hate to throw such a wet blanket, as my personal military time brought me in contact with both some of the greatest people I've worked with and with some of the worse I've been in the same room with. Absolute heros and darkest scoundels. Patriots and traitors (some of the traitors have made it into print as things eventually declassify.)

    --- Steve K9ZW via SPOT BBS

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: SPOT BBS / k9zw (700:100/69)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to k9zw on Wed Sep 4 21:46:43 2024
    Be aware that among veterans you can find some pretty damaged minds,
    ones who are clever enough to largely conceal the mischief they are up
    to. You will also come across those with split loyalties, who may have served and served honorably, but have true motivations that are not in alignment.

    I was a security officer at an indian casino. The officer who trained me was a veteran. He was a nice guy who did his job well. And there was another officer who was a veteran, but he was a snake. I literally saw him massaging the shoulders of a sargeant one day. And this guy would also go around stealing the credit for the work of other officers, all the time.

    There was a time when there was an opening for sargeant, and both of those officers applied for the job. They gave it to the shoulder-massager! It was ridiculous. It makes me realize now that the other veterans who were in charge of the hiring were the same shitty type as the shoulder massager.

    I (sorta) see what you mean by working with the best and the worst, at the same time.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)