• Renegade w/ OS/2 Warp 4

    From doctor wade@21:3/105 to All on Fri Sep 13 13:06:28 2024
    I am trying to setup Renegade v1.35 with OS/2 Warp 4 using SIO1.60D. I am having issues with telnet access to the board. When a call is sent through the modem answers with ATA and immediatly drops the connection. I have tried several answer strings but nothing seems to make a difference. I have SIO set up to use COM1 and COM2 as INTERNET. Has anyone tried this combination successfully?

    ... Some people have no idea what they're doing, and are really good at it!

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From Roon@21:4/148 to doctor wade on Sat Sep 14 21:58:31 2024
    Hello doctor,

    13 Sep 24 13:06, you wrote to All:

    I am trying to setup Renegade v1.35 with OS/2 Warp 4 using SIO1.60D. I
    am having issues with telnet access to the board. When a call is sent through the modem answers with ATA and immediatly drops the
    connection. I have tried several answer strings but nothing seems to
    make a difference. I have SIO set up to use COM1 and COM2 as INTERNET.
    Has anyone tried this combination successfully? Thanks!

    i am not sure what goes wrong, but try this in your config.sys to use sio
    in dos sessions:

    (should be one line)

    DEVICE=C:\SIO\VX00.SYS ====

    i am using native os2 version with maximus, so i am not sure what can be wrong with a renegade installation :)


    telnet://bbs.roonsbbs.hu:1212 <<=-

    ... Uptime: 1d 5h 0m 27s
    --- GoldED/2
    * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (21:4/148)
  • From j0hnny a1pha@21:4/158 to doctor wade on Sat Sep 14 13:32:19 2024
    I am trying to setup Renegade v1.35 with OS/2 Warp 4 using SIO1.60D. I
    am having issues with telnet access to the board. When a call is sent through the modem answers with ATA and immediatly drops the
    connection. I have tried several answer strings but nothing seems to
    make a difference. I have SIO set up to use COM1 and COM2 as INTERNET.
    Has anyone tried this combination successfully?

    If you find a solution, let me know! I had the same problem, It seems
    like a known issue (search 'reddit Renegade BBS under ARCAOS 5.1 -
    connect problems').

    An answer in that thread:
    I finally got it working for an older Renegade (y2ka2) on OS/2 Warp with
    SIO. The trick was to set Renegade's modem answer string to: ATA|~~

    I also seem to remember have success with ADF fossil driver and SIO
    v1.6d. I may have also used TAME, per the Renegade docs.

    Good luck!

    |07 .'|08.
    |07 ||15o|08| |03J0hnny A1pha
    |07 .'|15o|08'. |06gOLD mINE HQ
    |07 |.-.|08| |08---------------------
    |07 '|14( |12)|08' |05SpaceJunkBBS.com|13:|052323
    |07 |12)

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: Space Junk! BBS :: SpaceJunkBBS.com:2323 (21:4/158)
  • From Exodus@21:1/144 to J0Hnny A1Pha on Sat Sep 14 19:05:42 2024
    I am trying to setup Renegade v1.35 with OS/2 Warp 4 using SIO1.60D. I
    am having issues with telnet access to the board. When a call is sent through the modem answers with ATA and immediatly drops the
    connection. I have tried several answer strings but nothing seems to
    make a difference. I have SIO set up to use COM1 and COM2 as INTERNET.
    Has anyone tried this combination successfully?

    If you find a solution, let me know! I had the same problem, It seems
    like a known issue (search 'reddit Renegade BBS under ARCAOS 5.1 -
    connect problems').

    Did anyone ever try passing RG from a mailer? Back in the 90s when I was using OS/2, I always had FD answer the call and pass it to RG. This may be an issue for decades from the WFC screen.

    ... Equal Opportunity: The prospect of pillage for the meek

    --- Renegade v1.35/DOS
    * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - ttb.rgbbs.info (21:1/144)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to j0hnny a1pha on Sat Sep 14 23:00:59 2024

    If you find a solution, let me know! I had the same problem, It seems
    like a known issue (search 'reddit Renegade BBS under ARCAOS 5.1 -
    connect problems').

    An answer in that thread:
    I finally got it working for an older Renegade (y2ka2) on OS/2 Warp with SIO. The trick was to set Renegade's modem answer string to: ATA|~~

    Yep. I saw that post and tried the ATA|~~ with no luck. Thanks for your input. I may try a much older version and see if it works.

    ... Multitasking: Reading in the bathroom

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to Exodus on Sat Sep 14 23:04:13 2024
    If you find a solution, let me know! I had the same problem, It seems like a known issue (search 'reddit Renegade BBS under ARCAOS 5.1 - connect problems').

    Did anyone ever try passing RG from a mailer? Back in the 90s when I
    was using OS/2, I always had FD answer the call and pass it to RG.

    I have D'Bridge. I guess I can try using it to answer the phone and pass to
    the BBS.

    ... The dog ate my .REP packet

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to Roon on Sat Sep 14 23:18:04 2024
    make a difference. I have SIO set up to use COM1 and COM2 as INTERNET Has anyone tried this combination successfully? Thanks!

    i am not sure what goes wrong, but try this in your config.sys to use sio in dos sessions:

    (should be one line)

    I set mine up the same way as yours and had the same results. I found a text file from Sean Dennis explaining how to use SIO1.60D with a copy of his config.sys and copied his config to mine. Same issue. It seems that SIO is doing what it is suppose to do but RG does not like it. I watched a Youtube video by The Serial Port where they set up RG with OS/2 Warp 4 and SIO 1.60D and they had issues until they changed to an older version of RG and their modem config to ATA|~~ and it started connecting.They were using old vintage hardware and I am using a VM. The VM could be the issue on my end. The next thing for me to try is using an old version of RG. I will have to re-watch the video to see what version they used. I seem to remember it was a 1.0 version with a Y2K update?

    ... WOMAN.ZIP - Great program but no documentation

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From j0hnny a1pha@21:4/158 to doctor wade on Sun Sep 15 08:51:16 2024
    I have D'Bridge. I guess I can try using it to answer the phone and
    pass to
    the BBS.

    That would be interesting to see if it solved the problem. It'd nice to
    run the recent RG release under OS/2 Warp 4 or ArcaOS.

    On another note, PCBOARD (last 15.X update) runs pretty awesome out of
    the box with OS/2 and SIO.

    |07 .'|08.
    |07 ||15o|08| |03J0hnny A1pha
    |07 .'|15o|08'. |06gOLD mINE HQ
    |07 |.-.|08| |08---------------------
    |07 '|14( |12)|08' |05SpaceJunkBBS.com|13:|052323
    |07 |12)

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: Space Junk! BBS :: SpaceJunkBBS.com:2323 (21:4/158)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to j0hnny a1pha on Mon Sep 16 09:34:01 2024
    I have D'Bridge. I guess I can try using it to answer the phone and pass to
    the BBS.

    That would be interesting to see if it solved the problem. It'd nice to run the recent RG release under OS/2 Warp 4 or ArcaOS.

    Success! I use D'Bridge to pass to RG. My bbs command in D'Bridge is
    cd \renegade
    +renegade -B57600 -N1 -Q
    This is with D'Bridge 4 and Rg v1.35 Dos.

    On another note, PCBOARD (last 15.X update) runs pretty awesome out of
    the box with OS/2 and SIO.
    I have PCBOARD 15.4 that came with Gamesrv to use as a front end. It works fine under WInXP but I get a version error and refuses to load when i try it under OS/2 Warp 4. Which version have you had success with?

    ... Confucius say: "Man who runs behind car gets exhausted"

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From j0hnny a1pha@21:4/158 to doctor wade on Mon Sep 16 08:02:12 2024
    Success! I use D'Bridge to pass to RG. My bbs command in D'Bridge is
    cd \renegade
    +renegade -B57600 -N1 -Q
    This is with D'Bridge 4 and Rg v1.35 Dos.


    I have PCBOARD 15.4 that came with Gamesrv to use as a front end. It
    works fine under WInXP but I get a version error and refuses to load
    when i try it under OS/2 Warp 4. Which version have you had success

    I started with 15.3 (dpcb1521.zip) from the BBS Documentary site, got the
    OS/2 native application working per the docs, then upgraded to 15.4.


    Lots of good stuff in this thread on Reddit titled:
    "Help with VModem/PCBoard/SIO2k on OS/2"


    |07 .'|08.
    |07 ||15o|08| |03J0hnny A1pha
    |07 .'|15o|08'. |06gOLD mINE HQ
    |07 |.-.|08| |08---------------------
    |07 '|14( |12)|08' |05SpaceJunkBBS.com|13:|052323
    |07 |12)

    --- Talisman v0.54-dev (Linux/x86_64)
    * Origin: Space Junk! BBS :: SpaceJunkBBS.com:2323 (21:4/158)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to j0hnny a1pha on Mon Sep 16 17:06:15 2024
    I started with 15.3 (dpcb1521.zip) from the BBS Documentary site, got the OS/2 native application working per the docs, then upgraded to 15.4.


    Lots of good stuff in this thread on Reddit titled:
    "Help with VModem/PCBoard/SIO2k on OS/2"

    Thanks for the tip. I will check it out next.

    ... Computers are not intelligent. They only think they are.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)
  • From doctor wade@21:3/105 to j0hnny a1pha on Mon Sep 16 21:23:31 2024
    I started with 15.3 (dpcb1521.zip) from the BBS Documentary site, got the OS/2 native application working per the docs, then upgraded to 15.4.
    Unless I missed it, I didn't see that version. I downloaded dpcb1531.zip and tried to install it. Ran into the same problem I had with another version. During install after your name and password I get an error s_copy: unable to open file "c:\pcb\pcboard.ser" for copying. The file is in the directory and is 128k. I assume that is the serial number it is trying to load?

    ... We all live in a yellow subroutine...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: The Lab BBS (21:3/105)