• Threat to Democracy

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Gregory Deyss on Thu Aug 29 22:19:39 2024
    Hello Gregory,

    Acquitted? An impeachment is not a criminal proceeding and DJT AI>was not
    acquitted of anything. This was a major republican failure AI>to act.

    You have much to learn.
    In the message you are to read or ignore - I have captured the essence of Great legal minds, all of which would proclaim you to be idiot.

    Donald Trump was successfully impeached - twice - by the US House
    of Representatives. Majority vote was all that was needed - regardless
    of party. And then trial was held in the US Senate. Where the accused
    was convicted by majority vote. The only "failure" was (as Alan noted) republicans decision not to remove Trump from office.

    Just wanted to pass that along as a public service message who would take the time to be offended or take no offense and of course not be offended.

    Impeachment is forever. Kind of like indelible ink. The stain can
    never be removed. And Trump managed to get two of them.

    An impeachment according to
    An Impeachment is the process of bringing
    charges against a government official for wrongdoing. A trial may be held, and the official may be removed from office. My point is that these baseless efforts failed. Twice, with the acquittals.

    Trump was impeached (twice) by the US House of Representatives.
    Trump was found guilty by a jury of his peers (US Senate).
    He was not removed from office, which is a different matter.

    Donald Trump has been convicted of criminal charges and he has more
    charges to answer for.

    Trumps supporters are only growing larger from what they were.

    Harris' lead in the polls is growing larger from what they were.
    So much so that she is in the lead, with Trump trailing badly.

    But that is beside the point. Trump is a convicted felon, having
    been found guilty of having committed criminal acts. With more
    counts pending. He will be sentenced in due time, and escorted
    off the stage to a galaxy far, far away ...

    These "so called charges" that you speak have back fired and to coin a phrase "Big League" The Charges... had a complete opposite effect of what they intended do.

    The term "convicted felon" will soon be changed to "convicted
    felon sentenced to jail" - thus making things clearer for MAGA
    idiots to understand.

    The plan was to destroy Trump with this fever pitch rhetoric.
    The plain and simple truth is the Left painted Trump with a broad brush with
    their haste, and they screwed up... So Bad.. (Christopher Walken)

    We tried to draft Christopher Walken for President. He is from
    Queens, and speaks fluent Y'at. But Kamala is bitch, and Walken
    turned it down.

    Trump for 77 years was a golden to everyone, he had a great presidency (Yes I do have that list of accomplishments and it is long.)
    Out no where Trump *WAS* facing a Frankenstein ruling in New York.

    Dr. Frankenstein's monster was done away with, and now we will soon
    have a black woman as POTUS. And what a wonderful world that will be.

    But before then, time for some amusement -

    Aaron Rodgers' second attempt to jumpstart the New York Jets.
    His first outing only lasted a few short plays. Could not even
    get a single first down. Maybe this time around he will last
    a bit longer. Might even complete a pass.

    For Life,

    GOP thinks banning guns won't elminate guns.
    GOP thinks banning abortion will elininate abortions.

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Gregory Deyss@1:267/150 to Lee Lofaso on Sat Aug 31 10:42:18 2024
    Just wanted to pass that along as a public service message who would the time to be offended or take no offense and of course not be offend

    Impeachment is forever. Kind of like indelible ink. The stain can
    never be removed. And Trump managed to get two of them.

    What will also be remembered is the democrats w/ their seething hatred along with their but-hurt feelings who rushed to judge an innocent man.
    Crying and sobbing they stepped on to their high house only to be pushed off of it via the acquittals.

    This is really old news now.
    Your attempt to pull something out of this is pointless.
    Due to the outcome of how it ended. It remains a Win for us and still is a loss for you and for people who think just like you do.
    If you really want to get that lump of agony in your throat all over again.
    So be it.

    The Trump administration has released an unclassified transcript of President Trump's July phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky:


    Quid Pro Quo Joe:
    Biden Brags About Getting Ukraine Prosecutor Viktor Shokin Fired https://tinyurl.com/3mrchsd6

    Recording of calls between Joe Biden and ex-Ukraine President Poroshenko leaked | New York Post

    The first charged the President with abuse of power, alleging that he had used the powers of his office to solicit Ukraine's interference in the 2020 election and had conditioned official acts, such as the release of military aid to Ukraine and a White House visit, on President Zelenskyy agreeing to announce the investigations. "President Trump," the article alleged, "engaged in this scheme or course of conduct for corrupt purposes in pursuit of personal political benefit."

    Trump being aware of what Biden did illegally, he did not want to same corruption to continue to occur.

    How is what Joe Biden did any different and why is he given a pass, when there is video-graphic evidence of Biden committing Quid Pro Quo.
    Again in case you missed it.

    The second article charged the President with obstruction of the House impeachment investigation by directing the "unprecedented, categorical, and indiscriminate defiance of subpoenas issued by the House of Representatives."11 "This abuse of office," the article alleged, was "subversive of constitutional government" and "nullif[ied] a vital constitutional safeguard vested solely in the House of Representatives."12

    Donald Trump has been convicted of criminal charges and he has more
    charges to answer for.

    That is crok too, it's for the billboards and also largely so that these deranged democrats can go around and spit again and and again
    "convicted felon."
    Why? In hope of hopes that this will resonate and stick come election day. Instead... It has backfired and blew up in their face.
    People aren't as stupid as the left thinks.
    They see the smear campaign by the left.
    It's all done to evoke fear - page ripped out of the Democratic play book.

    Trumps supporters are only growing larger from what they were.

    Harris' lead in the polls is growing larger from what they were.
    So much so that she is in the lead, with Trump trailing badly.

    Harris is a circus -
    That CNN sit down with Harris did not go as well.
    It was a 40 minute interview edited down to 14 minutes by CNN.
    There are many videos which analyze facial expressions - pressed annoyed lips and odd head movements, when answering CNN'S Dana Bash.
    No one is going to fooled by this flip flopping kamala Karma Chameleon.

    Trump for 77 years was a golden to everyone, he had a great presidenc (Yes I do have that list of accomplishments and it is long.)
    Out no where Trump *WAS* facing a Frankenstein ruling in New York.

    Dr. Frankenstein's monster was done away with, and now we will soon
    have a black woman as POTUS. And what a wonderful world that will be.

    Just as wonderful as the first Black man as President...
    We all saw how that turned out.
    This moron started America's road to ruin.
    which is why Trump will Make America Great again.

    .≈______ ┌───────┐ ┌───────┐ ┌─────────┐ ╔═════════╗ ┌───────────────┐
    _[]_││──││ │ FIGHT!│ │ FIGHT!│ │ FIGHT! │ ║T R U M P║ │Another Message│
    { NET 267 │ │TROY,NY│ │HUB 800│ │1:267/150│ ║ 2 0 2 4 ║ │ by Gregory │
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    ... I always said you was Yellow.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/64)
    * Origin: Capital Station BBS * Telnet://csbbs.dyndns.org * (1:267/150)