• New Files Received

    From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Jul 26 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0725.zip 7697874 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z08 11921 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 157583 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Jul 27 00:05:09 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0726.zip -=:=- 7,563,058 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0726.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 157,583 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z08 -=:=- 11,921 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z08 -=:=- 38,265 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-07-26 (208)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z08



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 7,770,827 bytes in 4 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    27 Jul 2024 00:05:09

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Jul 27 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z08 38265 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-07-26 (208)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0726.zip 7563058 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Jul 28 00:05:08 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0727.zip -=:=- 583,752 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0727.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 583,752 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    28 Jul 2024 00:05:08

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Jul 28 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0727.zip 583752 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Jul 30 00:05:03 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF31.ZIP -=:=- 12,863 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#31 for Jul. 29,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0728.zip -=:=- 1,226,237 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0728.zip


    apod0729.zip -=:=- 1,673,658 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0729.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 2,912,758 bytes in 3 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    30 Jul 2024 00:05:03

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Jul 30 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF31.ZIP 12863 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#31 for Jul. 29, 2024

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0728.zip 1226237 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0729.zip 1673658 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20802 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9224 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Jul 31 00:05:06 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0730.zip -=:=- 218,780 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0730.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 218,780 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    31 Jul 2024 00:05:06

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Jul 31 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0730.zip 218780 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Thu Aug 1 00:05:05 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0731.zip -=:=- 492,146 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0731.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 492,146 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    01 Aug 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Aug 1 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0731.zip 492146 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 249140 ODD: League info packs

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP 18227 EchoList of 2:5020/715

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 14051 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Aug 2 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0801.zip 2125852 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z15 12028 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 158109 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Aug 3 00:05:01 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0801.zip -=:=- 2,125,852 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0801.zip


    apod0802.zip -=:=- 1,660,158 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0802.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 158,109 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z15 -=:=- 12,028 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z15 -=:=- 38,280 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-02 (215)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z15



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 3,994,427 bytes in 5 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    03 Aug 2024 00:05:01

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 3 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z15 38280 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-02 (215)

    Area : ECHOLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELST2408.ZIP 137852 Zip'd Echo list archive created Monthly

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0802.zip 1660158 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : XOFCFELST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC information


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 3 09:37:12 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9224 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 3 09:47:12 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FWUTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORUTL71.ZIP 4541802 ODD: UTILITIES


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 3 15:37:50 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FWUTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MORUTL72.ZIP 4541770 MORUTL72.ZIP


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 3 15:40:06 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FWUTILS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- N5020FEC.ZIP 1327 N5020FEC


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Aug 4 00:05:02 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0803.zip -=:=- 2,973,730 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0803.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 2,973,730 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    04 Aug 2024 00:05:02

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Aug 4 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0803.zip 2973730 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Aug 4 10:50:24 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z01 43550 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 201


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Aug 4 10:54:37 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.A01 1872 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 201


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Mon Aug 5 00:05:01 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0804.zip -=:=- 22,715,407 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0804.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 22,715,407 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    05 Aug 2024 00:05:01

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Aug 5 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0804.zip 22715407 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Aug 6 00:05:05 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF32.ZIP -=:=- 12,867 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#32 for Aug. 05,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0805.zip -=:=- 5,323,113 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0805.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 5,335,980 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    06 Aug 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Aug 6 07:30:11 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF32.ZIP 12867 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#32 for Aug. 05, 2024

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0805.zip 5323113 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Aug 7 00:05:08 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0806.zip -=:=- 152,817 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0806.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 152,817 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    07 Aug 2024 00:05:08

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Aug 7 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : ECHOLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL240805.ZIP 138475 On Demand Daily Elist archive

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0806.zip 152817 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Thu Aug 8 00:05:07 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0807.zip -=:=- 3,677,799 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0807.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 3,677,799 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    08 Aug 2024 00:05:07

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Aug 8 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0807.zip 3677799 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Aug 9 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : ECHOLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- EL240807.ZIP 138929 On Demand Daily Elist archive

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z22 12028 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 158110 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Aug 10 00:05:05 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0808.zip -=:=- 3,694,672 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0808.zip


    apod0809.zip -=:=- 1,457,579 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0809.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 158,110 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z22 -=:=- 12,028 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z22 -=:=- 38,284 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-09 (222)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z22



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 5,360,673 bytes in 5 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    10 Aug 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 10 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0808.zip 3694672 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z22 38284 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-09 (222)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0809.zip 1457579 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 10 10:34:37 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9223 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 10 10:37:33 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20801 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Aug 11 00:05:02 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0810.zip -=:=- 1,072,300 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0810.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 1,072,300 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    11 Aug 2024 00:05:02

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Aug 11 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0810.zip 1072300 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Aug 12 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Aug 13 00:05:00 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF33.ZIP -=:=- 13,700 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#33 for Aug. 12,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0812.zip -=:=- 2,242,665 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0812.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 2,256,365 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    13 Aug 2024 00:05:00

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Aug 13 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF33.ZIP 13700 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#33 for Aug. 12, 2024

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0812.zip 2242665 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 249137 ODD: League info packs

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP 18227 EchoList of 2:5020/715

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 14060 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Aug 14 00:05:05 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0813.zip -=:=- 334,330 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0813.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 334,330 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    14 Aug 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Aug 14 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0813.zip 334330 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20801 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9082 ODD: League info packs

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 14060 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Aug 17 00:05:16 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0814.zip -=:=- 6,784,425 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0814.zip


    apod0815.zip -=:=- 483,886 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0815.zip


    apod0816.zip -=:=- 403,575 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0816.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 158,107 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z29 -=:=- 12,029 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z29 -=:=- 38,335 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-16 (229)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z29



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 7,880,357 bytes in 6 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    17 Aug 2024 00:05:16

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 17 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0814.zip 6784425 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0815.zip 483886 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z29 12029 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 158107 Weekly infopack for fsxNet

    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z29 38335 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-16 (229)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0816.zip 403575 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Aug 18 00:05:02 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0817.zip -=:=- 3,264,151 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0817.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 3,264,151 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    18 Aug 2024 00:05:02

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Aug 18 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0817.zip 3264151 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Mon Aug 19 00:05:16 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0818.zip -=:=- 1,142,618 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0818.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 1,142,618 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    19 Aug 2024 00:05:16

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Aug 19 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0818.zip 1142618 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Aug 20 00:05:09 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF34.ZIP -=:=- 12,885 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#34 for Aug. 19,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 12,885 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    20 Aug 2024 00:05:09

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Aug 20 07:30:11 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF34.ZIP 12885 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#34 for Aug. 19, 2024

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0819.zip 696583 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Aug 21 00:05:01 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0819.zip -=:=- 696,583 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0819.zip


    apod0820.zip -=:=- 324,553 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0820.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 1,021,136 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    21 Aug 2024 00:05:01

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Aug 21 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0820.zip 324553 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 14055 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Thu Aug 22 00:05:07 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0821.zip -=:=- 766,705 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0821.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 766,705 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    22 Aug 2024 00:05:07

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Aug 22 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0821.zip 766705 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Fri Aug 23 00:05:02 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0822.zip -=:=- 8,614,353 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0822.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 8,614,353 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    23 Aug 2024 00:05:02

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Aug 23 07:30:11 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0822.zip 8614353 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z36 12228 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 159054 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Aug 24 00:05:05 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0823.zip -=:=- 2,147,715 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0823.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 159,054 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z36 -=:=- 12,228 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z36 -=:=- 38,275 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-23 (236)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z36



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 2,357,272 bytes in 4 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    24 Aug 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 24 08:42:28 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z36 38275 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-23 (236)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0823.zip 2147715 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Aug 26 08:01:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0824.zip 3714194 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0825.zip 1568301 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Aug 27 07:40:31 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF35.ZIP 12847 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#35 for Aug. 26, 2024

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20650 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Aug 28 08:00:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0826.zip 4196363 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0827.zip 189836 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9082 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 249138 ODD: League info packs

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ECH00715.ZIP 18227 EchoList of 2:5020/715

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 14055 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Aug 29 08:19:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0828.zip 2901445 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Aug 30 08:03:18 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0829.zip 832190 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z43 12230 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 159054 Weekly infopack for fsxNet

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20645 ODD: League info packs


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Aug 31 00:05:06 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF35.ZIP -=:=- 12,847 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#35 for Aug. 26,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0824.zip -=:=- 3,714,194 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0824.zip


    apod0825.zip -=:=- 1,568,301 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0825.zip


    apod0826.zip -=:=- 4,196,363 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0826.zip


    apod0827.zip -=:=- 189,836 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0827.zip


    apod0828.zip -=:=- 2,901,445 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0828.zip


    apod0829.zip -=:=- 832,190 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0829.zip


    apod0830.zip -=:=- 1,069,236 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0830.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 159,054 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z43 -=:=- 12,230 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z43 -=:=- 38,296 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-30 (243)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z43



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 14,693,992 bytes in 11 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    31 Aug 2024 00:05:06

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Aug 31 07:44:49 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z43 38296 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-08-30 (243)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0830.zip 1069236 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Sep 1 00:05:06 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0831.zip -=:=- 595,916 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0831.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 595,916 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    01 Sep 2024 00:05:06

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Sep 1 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0831.zip 595916 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : XOFCHUBSLST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ech01042.zip 13889 Echos available at 2:5020/1042


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Mon Sep 2 00:05:05 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0901.zip -=:=- 506,057 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0901.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 506,057 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    02 Sep 2024 00:05:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Sep 2 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0901.zip 506057 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Sep 3 00:05:03 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF36.ZIP -=:=- 12,896 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#36 for Sep. 02,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0902.zip -=:=- 225,542 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0902.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 238,438 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    03 Sep 2024 00:05:03

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Sep 3 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF36.ZIP 12896 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#36 for Sep. 02, 2024

    Area : ECHOLIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ELST2409.ZIP 138948 Zip'd Echo list archive created Monthly

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0902.zip 225542 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Sep 4 00:05:03 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0903.zip -=:=- 200,247 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0903.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 200,247 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    04 Sep 2024 00:05:03

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Sep 4 07:30:07 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0903.zip 200247 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Thu Sep 5 00:05:00 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0904.zip -=:=- 2,223,637 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0904.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 2,223,637 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    05 Sep 2024 00:05:00

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Sep 5 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0904.zip 2223637 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Fri Sep 6 00:05:00 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0905.zip -=:=- 395,612 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0905.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 395,612 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    06 Sep 2024 00:05:00

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Sep 6 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0905.zip 395612 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z50 12331 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 159781 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Sep 7 00:05:10 2024
    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 159,781 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z50 -=:=- 12,331 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z50 -=:=- 38,273 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-09-06 (250)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z50



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 210,385 bytes in 3 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    07 Sep 2024 00:05:10

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Sep 7 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z50 38273 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-09-06 (250)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0906.zip 1767966 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Sep 8 00:05:08 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0906.zip -=:=- 1,767,966 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0906.zip


    apod0907.zip -=:=- 44,700 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0907.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 1,812,666 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    08 Sep 2024 00:05:08

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Sep 8 07:30:09 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0907.zip 44700 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Sep 8 18:59:23 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBELNET.ZIP 2371 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20647 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9082 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 249139 ODD: League info packs

    Area : BBSLISTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBBS0924.ZIP 149564 ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)

    Area : NODEDIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.A43 2333 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 243

    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z43 43531 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 243

    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z50 43545 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 250

    Area : NODEDIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.A50 2559 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 250

    Area : PDNBASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIC87I.ZIP 866051 The DOS Symbolic Instruction Code parser


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Mon Sep 9 00:05:10 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0908.zip -=:=- 3,503,251 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0908.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 3,503,251 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    09 Sep 2024 00:05:10

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Sep 9 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0908.zip 3503251 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Sep 9 19:02:50 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF37.ZIP 12902 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#37 for Sep. 09, 2024

    Area : NODEDIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.A50 2559 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 250

    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z50 43545 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 250

    Area : NODEDIFF ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODEDIFF.A43 2333 Fidonet Nodediff (Z1/Fri/ARC) for day 243

    Area : NODELIST ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NODELIST.Z43 43531 Fidonet Nodelist (Z1/Fri/ZIP) for day 243

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPOOKNET.ZIP 1551105 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- REBELNET.ZIP 2371 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOLYNET.ZIP 1751 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AGORANET.ZIP 20647 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CSCNET.ZIP 9082 ODD: League info packs

    Area : INFOPACK ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEAGUE10.ZIP 249139 ODD: League info packs

    Area : BBSLISTS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- IBBS0924.ZIP 149564 ODD: BBS Lists (telnet, dial-up, or both)

    Area : PDNBASIC ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SIC87I.ZIP 866051 The DOS Symbolic Instruction Code parser


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Sep 10 00:08:00 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF37.ZIP -=:=- 12,902 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#37 for Sep. 09,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 12,902 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    10 Sep 2024 00:07:50

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Sep 11 00:06:14 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF37.ZIP -=:=- 12,902 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#37 for Sep. 09,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0909.zip -=:=- 124,954 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0909.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 137,856 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    11 Sep 2024 00:06:05

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Fri Sep 13 00:05:04 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0910.zip -=:=- 10,066,676 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0910.zip


    apod0911.zip -=:=- 8,512,918 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0911.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 18,579,594 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    13 Sep 2024 00:05:04

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Sep 13 07:30:12 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0909.zip 124954 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0910.zip 10066676 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0911.zip 8512918 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z57 12333 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 159783 Weekly infopack for fsxNet


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sat Sep 14 00:05:03 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0912.zip -=:=- 4,234,038 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0912.zip


    apod0913.zip -=:=- 2,385,194 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0913.zip


    FSX_INFO -=:=- Weekly Infopack (fsxNet)

    fsxnet.zip -=:=- 159,783 bytes

    ▄▄▄ ▄▄▄
    ▒░░▀░░▒ ▄▄░▀▀░██ ▒░░ ░░▒
    ▓ ░░█ █░░▄█░▒▄▄▄▄▄▄░░█ █░░ net ▒
    █▀▀▀▀ ░░█ ▀▀▀ ▄▄▄ ░█░ ▀▀▀▓▀▀▀ ▀▀▀▀█
    █ ░░ ░██▀▀ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░██▀█░▒ ░░░ █
    ▓ ░░░░ ▒░░ ░█░░ ░░▒ ▒░░ ░█░ ░░░ █
    ▒ ░░░░ ░▀▀ ▒░░▄▄▀▀ ░▀▀ ▒░█ ░ █
    ░ ░░ ▀▀▀ ▀▀ █
    ░ ░ fsxnet.txt -- Info & App █
    ▒ ░ fsxnet.xxx -- Nodelist ▓
    ▓ fsxnet.zaa -- Nodelist (ZIP) ▒
    ▒ ░ history.txt -- History ▓
    ▓ systems.txt -- BBS in fsxNet ▒
    █ fsxnet.na -- Echo list ░
    ▓ fsx_file.na -- File echo list ▒
    ▒ · ▓
    ░ ·· ▄▄▄ infopack █

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- fsxnet.zip


    FSX_NODE -=:=- Weekly Nodelist (fsxNet)

    FSXNET.Z57 -=:=- 12,333 bytes

    Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Origin -=:=- 21:1/100
    Replaces -=:=- FSXNET.*


    NODELIST -=:=- Fidonet nodelists

    nodelist.z57 -=:=- 38,299 bytes

    Fidonet nodelist for 2024-09-13 (257)

    Origin -=:=- 3:3/0
    Replaces -=:=- nodelist.z57



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 6,829,647 bytes in 5 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    14 Sep 2024 00:05:03

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sat Sep 14 07:30:10 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0912.zip 4234038 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)

    Area : nodelist ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nodelist.z57 38299 Fidonet nodelist for 2024-09-13 (257)

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0913.zip 2385194 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Sun Sep 15 00:05:07 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0914.zip -=:=- 348,260 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0914.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 348,260 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    15 Sep 2024 00:05:07

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Sun Sep 15 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0914.zip 348260 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Mon Sep 16 00:05:08 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0915.zip -=:=- 486,880 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0915.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 486,880 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    16 Sep 2024 00:05:08

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Mon Sep 16 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0915.zip 486880 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Tue Sep 17 00:05:01 2024
    FIDONEWS -=:=- FidoNews

    FNEWTF38.ZIP -=:=- 12,892 bytes

    The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#38 for Sep. 16,

    Origin -=:=- 2:2/2


    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0916.zip -=:=- 373,535 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0916.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 386,427 bytes in 2 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    17 Sep 2024 00:05:01

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Tue Sep 17 07:30:07 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FIDONEWS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FNEWTF38.ZIP 12892 The Fidonews: Vol#41, Issue#38 for Sep. 16, 2024

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0916.zip 373535 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Wed Sep 18 00:05:07 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0917.zip -=:=- 335,924 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0917.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 335,924 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    18 Sep 2024 00:05:07

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Wed Sep 18 07:30:07 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0917.zip 335924 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 2ndchoiceBOT@3:770/340 to All on Thu Sep 19 00:05:02 2024
    FSX_IMGE -=:=- Image Files (Various)

    apod0918.zip -=:=- 10,903,657 bytes

    NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus
    published report)

    Origin -=:=- 21:4/106
    Replaces -=:=- apod0918.zip



    2nd Choice Core
    Received 10,903,657 bytes in 1 files


    Report generated by:
    RCS Mys Tic File Announce v1.5.0.6 Linux/Ubuntu
    19 Sep 2024 00:05:02

    RCS - CRBBS(2017-2018)

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: 2nd Choice Core| New Zealand (3:770/340)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Thu Sep 19 07:30:08 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0918.zip 10903657 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)
  • From 1stchoiceBot@3:770/330 to ALL on Fri Sep 20 08:17:06 2024
    ┌╔═╗ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌═════┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦ ╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌══╦══┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐
    ║ └╩═══╦┐ │║│ │║ ├╬═══╬┤ │║ ║│ │║│ │║ ├╬══
    └╚═╩═╝┘ └╩═══╩┘ ═╩═ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └══╩══┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘
    Message Areas ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ ┌╦═══╦┐ E-Mail
    Online Games │║ │║ ║│ │╠══╦╩┘ ├╬══ Welcome To you All
    NEW └╩═══╩┘ └╩═══╩┘ └╩ ╚═┘ └╩═══╩┘ ZEALAND ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    1st Choice Core received these following files
    Area : FSX_NODE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FSXNET.Z64 12245 Weekly nodelist for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_INFO ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fsxnet.zip 159845 Weekly infopack for fsxNet

    Area : FSX_IMGE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- apod0919.zip 2994740 NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day (plus published report)


    All of the above files are available on Ftp.1stchoicecore.co.nz
    or via email FREQ,To do so, simply send an email
    To choice.core(At)1stchoicecore(Dot)co(Dot)nz with the subject of FREQ
    and in the message body, FREQ <filename>. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    This new files announcement was created using TinyTic V0.0.5.3


    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Win32
    * Origin: 1st Choice Core (3:770/330)