• T.O.H. Daily Recipe - 556

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Thu Sep 5 12:46:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Zucchini Fritters
    Categories: Squash, Dairy, Herbs
    Yield: 18 servings

    1/2 c Milk
    1 lg Egg
    1 c A-P flour
    1 1/2 ts Baking powder
    1/2 oz (1/2 env)ranch-style dip mix
    8 oz Shredded zucchini
    Ranch dressing; opt, made
    - from remainder of mix

    In a deep cast-iron skillet or deep-fat fryer, heat oil
    to 375ºF/190ºC.

    Meanwhile, combine milk and egg in a bowl. Stir together
    dry ingredients and add to egg mixture; blend well. Fold
    in zucchini. Drop batter by rounded teaspoonfuls into
    hot oil. Fry until deep golden brown, turning once.
    Drain thoroughly on paper towels. If desired, serve with
    ranch dressing.

    Mary Dixson, Catlin, Illinois

    Makes: 1 1/2 dozen

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... In the great pizza of life, I got the slice with anchovies. Yeah!
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