
Uploaded Mon Sep 02 2024 07:44 pm

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------------------Version 3-------------------
----Win 3.11/Dos Personal Terminal Journal----

MafJourn v3 ==================
1. What's New
2. Description
3. Specifications / Contact
4. Setup

1. Whats new =================

-All new menu, colored for readability, 
-options added to match the new features

Journal Explorer
-You can now explore the entire journal
-scroll through the history, 'T' for top
-Alternating colors for readability

-'Sessions' or 'Today' is now resettable
-Can be left running in the background
-Reset session when day/schedule change
-Shows only entries since last reset

2. Description ===============
Line by Line entry to rolling long term 
storage journal. Think of it as a BBS
OneLiner for your person computer, with
infinite history.

3. Specifications ============
Written by Th3Mafia (BBS: Mafiath)
Released Sept 2, 2024
16bit Win/Dos
Written in qbasic on Windows 3.11
Compiled in Quick Basic 4.5
Full history Saved to "mafjourn.txt"
in the same directory as mafjourn.exe.
Find me on MRC on your local BBS. 
Archaic Binary, Hold Fast, Absinth,
The Quantum Wormhole, Bottomless Abyss

4. Setup =====================
Extract zip contents to 'C:\apps\MafJourn' 
or any location where you want to keep 
the long term journal file.